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Interview FAQ in DataStage

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 9:58 am
by njaganath
Hi DataStage Gurus,

I am preparing for DataStage interview, Could you please post some DataStage related interview FAQ / materials / Web Link / answers, As I couldn't find DS FAQ in the Internet. (:? )

Your assistance would be more helpful ( :) )



Re: Interview FAQ in DataStage

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 10:05 am
by raju_chvr
Please don't post this kind of topics in this forum.

This kind of question has been answered before. There is nothing like
DS FAQ for interview. The interview is a process which is unique for every position and the requirement of the position.

Your previous exp and knowledge in DS should help you in getting your next project.

Still I am willing to help you with one often asked question:
1) Explain your recent project

That is the first question you can expect from any interviewer whether it is for consultant or full-time positions.