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Transformer Stage

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 11:51 pm
by elavenil

Since Modify stage is not available in DS 6.0.1, transformer stage is used to do conversions, filters& derivations. When we have constraints in the transformer stage to filter records, it filter all the records(which means no records were sent to output) even though the condition was satisfied with constraints. We have no idea why no records written in the output.

Can anyone enlighten me how PX treats the transformer stage.

Thanks in advance.


Transformer Stage

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 12:37 am
by bigpoppa
You can still call modify/filter and all the old stages by directly invoking them using the generic PX stage..

As for the constraint.. A record travels downstream only if it satisfies the constraint of the outbound dataset. Please post an explanation of the constraint and the constraint code.

- BP

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2004 2:24 am
by elavenil

Thanks for your response.

I have no idea how modify stage can be used to apply filters and do transformations in PX and DS 6.0.1. Understand from Ascential support Modify stage is only available in DS 7.0.

I have two columns as ColA & ColB in the input and constraint in the transformer stage is If ColA > ColB then write the record into output A Else Output B.

ColA ColB
1 5
11 5
2 5
10 5
3 5

From the above example, am expecting Row 2 & 4 should be written to Output A and remaining three records should be written to Output B.

But No records are written in the outputs.

Hope this will give better understanding of what we are trying to do by applying constraint in the transformer.


Transformer Stage

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2004 7:32 pm
by bigpoppa
This should be a fairly straightforward constraint.

For outputA, set the constraint to COLA > COLB. For outputB, set the constraints to NOT(COLA > COLB).

Is this what you are doing?