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how to kill a DS process

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 10:09 am
by jreddy
Guys, i need your help on another issue.

For some reason, one of my server processes took forever to run and since its more than obvious that its hung, i decided to kill that process. Becoz all of us are using same userid's, i couldn't decide which one of the processes was mine, so asked everyone to close client connections and killed all the slave processes. But, the job still shows up as RUNNING in the director and i cannot compile it or stop it.

Do you guys know what can be done other than bouncing it (ready to do that if required, but trying to find out why this kind of thing happens). I also tried the 'Clean up resources' option, but though it shows up in the Locks part of the dialog box, the options for logout or release are all grayed out (i enabled the job administration from Director in Administrator)

Any suggestions for me?

Re: how to kill a DS process

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 11:05 am
by raju_chvr
Try to get the PID from Administrator->command-?DS.TOOLS and
kill that from UNIX..


Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2004 11:12 am
by kcbland
Just clear the Status file from the Director client. Since you did a kill, the job has not been able to go to its status file and say it's not running anymore.