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Job Log

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 9:05 am
by yiminghu

I have twp dummy questions about job Log. How do you automatically clear the log every time you run a job? How do you increase the limits so you can see more entries in the log?



Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 9:44 am
by Marley777
For Project wide auto purge
1) Bring up the DatatStage Administrator Window (if you have access)
2) Click Properties
3) On the General page select the (auto-purge of job log) check box
4) select the auto purge action you wish to take


for setting auto purge for a specific job
1) Bring up Datastage Managaer Window
2) Click on job
3) Click on (clear Log option) to bring up the Clear Log dialog box
4) Select the (auto Purge Option)
5) Select the (enable for this job) option
6) select auto purge action you wish to take

You can increase job log entries in this same manor as mentioned above. Just select different actions where needed, but it's all in the same place. Hope this helps.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 9:53 am
by chulett
Keep in mind the fact that when you set and/or change the 'Project Wide' auto purge defaults via the Administrator it only applies to new jobs created after the change.

For existing jobs, you'll need to make the change in the job itself as already noted.

You may also have a filter on the number of log entries shown if you can't see all of them. When viewing the Log of any job, go to 'View/Filter Entries' and check to see if any limits have been established there.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 3:02 pm
by ray.wurlod
The hot key for invoking the Filter dialog is Ctrl-T

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 1:55 pm
by nsm

Can I clear log after each run from unix?


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 3:34 pm
by ray.wurlod
Yes, but why would you want to?

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 9:29 am
by nsm
I am using dsjob lognewest command to find out if I have any errors or warnings in the last run.

For ex:
I ran a job for 3 times, first time I have errors , second and third time it ran fine.

then if i do the log newest entry on that job for errors its still giving me NON_ZERO value .

To make sure its giving from 1st run, i cleared the log for first and second runs then i did the same command then its giving me ZERO value.

to avoid all this i wanted to clear the log after each successful run.


Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 3:27 pm
by ray.wurlod
You can set this up with auto-purge.

In director, choose the Job menu, then Clear Log.

Instead of choosing immediate purge, choose to enable auto-purge. This opens the auto-purge options frame, in which you can set "clear up to last run". Director will ask you to confirm that you want to override the project defaults that were set in Administrator. You do.

Auto purge does not occur unless a job run was successful.

You don't need to check the log to determine whether there were any warnings. The exit status of the job itself will tell you this. Its possible values from a normal run are 1 (ran OK), 2 (ran with warnings) or 3 (aborted). You can get this by specifying the -jobstatus option when running the job, or subsequently by using the -jobinfo option.
It's the first line in the output from

Code: Select all

dsjob -jobinfo project jobname

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 4:30 pm
by Teej
The way we do it:

Set auto-purge on the project level to the last 10 run.

Set it as Director | View Menu | Filter Entries (You need to be looking at a job's log before you do this) | Start of Last Run.

That way, you automatically purge after 10 runs, yet only watch the most current job's run.

This way would be VERY helpful for developers when something fails, but they have to re-run the job for other reasons.

Also, the Limits are within the same window -- "Select all entries".

And young man, FIX YOUR WARNING MESSAGES! For Server jobs, it is incredibly rare to have a 'valid' warning message.
