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[HELP.....] Compilation of a simple parallel job hangs

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 7:51 am
by ariear
Hi all,

I'm trying to compile a simple Oracle>>>>>Transformer>>>>sequentialFile job
and it hanges ! a job without a transformer compiles O.K
I oppened the DS.TOOLS menu and this is the command there

SH -c '/opt/dsadm/Ascential/DataStage/PXEngine/bin/osh -f "RT_SC7/V0S2_arie_Transformer_2.trx.osh" > RT_SC7/compile.tmp 2>&1 '

A job with file>>>>TRANSFORMER>>>>>file compiles O.K.
A job with file>>>>Lookup (Oracle)>>>>file compiles O.K.
A job with file>>>>BASIC TRANSFORMER>>>>>>file compiles O.K.

It seems that we have a problem when trying to compile a Job that involves Oracle enterprise and a PX transformer.
It seems that the problem lies in the Solaris domain I can see the compiler command line(../../../..CC) in the PS -aef and when killing it (kill -15) the job returns error messages !!!

Anyone has a clue ?

[HELP.....] Compilation of a simple parallel job hangs

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 2:43 pm
by bigpoppa
Can you post the error messages?


Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 4:25 pm
by ariear
This text was displayed in designer after killing the CC process !

Copyright (C) 2003, 1997 - 2002 Ascential Software, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

##I TUTL 000031 19:03:06(001) <main_program> The open files limit is 100; raising to 4096.
##I TOSH 000002 19:03:07(000) <main_program> orchgeneral: loaded
##I TOSH 000002 19:03:07(001) <main_program> orchsort: loaded
##I TOSH 000002 19:03:07(002) <main_program> orchstats: loaded
##I TFSC 000001 19:03:07(005) <main_program> APT configuration file: /opt/dsadm/Ascential/DataStage/Configurations/default.apt
##W TFPA 000017 19:03:07(006) <main_program> Warning: the value of the PWD environment variable (/opt/dsadm/Ascential/DataStage/DSEngine) does not appear to be a synonym for the current working directory (/opt/dsadm/Ascential/DataStage/Projects/Conversion). The current working directory will be used, but if your ORCHESTRATE job does not start up correctly, you should set your PWD environment variable to a value that will work on all nodes of your system.
##E TBLD 000000 19:12:11(000) <main_program> Error when checking composite operator: Subprocess command failed with exit status 256
##E TFSR 000019 19:12:11(001) <main_program> Could not check all operators because of previous error(s)
##W TFCP 000000 19:12:11(002) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: The number of reject datasets "0"is less than the number of input datasets "1".
##W TBLD 000000 19:12:11(003) <main_program> Error when checking composite operator: Output from subprocess: CC: Fatal error in ccfe: Terminated

##I TFCP 000008 19:12:11(004) <transform> Error when checking composite operator: /opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC -KPIC -I/opt/dsadm/Ascential/DataStage/PXEngine/include -dalign -g -PIC -library=iostream -c /opt/dsadm/Ascential/DataStage/Projects/Conversion/RT_BP12.O/V0S5_getBillingAccount2_Transformer_5.C -o /opt/dsadm/Ascential/DataStage/Projects/Conversion/RT_BP12.O/V0S5_getBillingAccount2_Transformer_5.tmp.o (getBillingAccount2.Transformer_5)

*** Internal Generated Transformer Code follows:
0001: //
0002: // Generated file to implement the transform operator.
0003: //
0005: // define our input/output link names
0006: inputname 0 DSLink3;
0007: outputname 0 DSLink4;
0009: initialize {
0010: // define our row rejected variable
0011: int8 RowRejected0;
0013: // define our null set variable
0014: int8 NullSetVar0;
0016: }
0018: mainloop {
0019: // initialise our row rejected variable
0020: RowRejected0 = 1;
0022: // evaluate columns (no constraints) for link: DSLink4
0023: writerecord 0;
0024: RowRejected0 = 0;
0025: }
0027: finish {
0028: }
*** End of Internal Generated Transformer Code



Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2004 7:46 pm
by ray.wurlod
As a start, I'd take the advice in the error message to set your PWD environment variable to a value that will work on all nodes of your system.
Then see whether the other error still happens. Certainly the generated code isn't rocket science!

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 12:46 am
by ariear
Thanks Ray,
I already did that - this PWD is pointing to where the config file/work area is.
That's not the problem the thing is the compile hangs.
I teried a couple variations of ops (I allmost said stages) in one canvas and Oracle with A transformer wont live together (Compile together) :(


Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 2:51 pm
by Teej
I would like to pipe up about the PWD path. I found that if I declare PWD to '.' on the Project Environment Parameter, it would shut that warning up. I have not tried declaring PWD to '.' on dsenv, but I do wonders how everyone is dealing with their PWD paths.


[HELP.....] Compilation of a simple parallel job hangs

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2004 4:50 pm
by bigpoppa
Looks as if you need another outbound dataset - one for the rejects and one for the non-rejects, right? How many outbound links does your dataset have?

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:34 pm
by dsxuserrio
Can you do a
type CC or whcih CC and make sure your compiler path is right??
