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OpenSeq and ReadSeq not working in routine

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:11 pm
by girishoak

I have source file which contains 13 columns. In that last 11 columns contains rates for year 1 to 11. I want to create 11 records from one line. For that I have written following routine. But while testing itself it hangs the routine. I think it hangs while opening or reading the file. Can any body help me out.

Or is there any other way to the same thing in datastage other than use of basics.

FncSplitYearRate (SourceFile,TargetFile)

Code: Select all



print "hello "
openseq SourceFile to rfilevar  then  errcode = 0 else errcode = -1
print "source errcode " : errcode

openseq TargetFile to wfilevar  then  errcode = 0 else errcode = -1

print "target errcode " : errcode

if errcode = 0
        readseq rfileline from rfilevar then *errcode = 0 else errcode = -1
        print "Line read is " : rfileline

        AgreementSeqNbr = field(rfileline, ",",1)
        Fr_Term = field(rfileline, ",",2)
        myrate1 = field(rfileline,",",3)
        myrate2 = field(rfileline,",",4)
        myrate3 = field(rfileline,",",5)
        myrate4 = field(rfileline,",",6)
        myrate5 = field(rfileline,",",7)
        myrate6 = field(rfileline,",",8)
        myrate7 = field(rfileline,",",9)
        myrate8 = field(rfileline,",",10)
        myrate9 = field(rfileline,",",11)
        myrate10 = field(rfileline,",",12)
        myrate11 = field(rfileline,",",13)

      if myrate1 > 0 
          nRate= myrate1
          gosub Myroutine
      if myrate2 > 0 
          nRate= myrate2
          gosub Myroutine
      if myrate3 > 0 
          nRate= myrate3
          gosub Myroutine
      if myrate4 > 0 
          nRate= myrate4
          gosub Myroutine
      if myrate5 > 0 
          nRate= myrate5
          gosub Myroutine
      if myrate6 > 0 
          nRate= myrate6
          gosub Myroutine
      if myrate7 > 0 
          nRate= myrate7
          gosub Myroutine
      if myrate8 > 0 
          nRate= myrate8
          gosub Myroutine
      if myrate9 > 0 
          nRate= myrate9
          gosub Myroutine
      if myrate10 > 0 
          nRate= myrate10
          gosub Myroutine
      if myrate11 > 0 
          nRate= myrate11
          gosub Myroutine
Print "Closing Files"
closeseq rfilevar
closeseq wfilevar
Print "Files Closed"
  print "In routine ";
*       if mynrate <> myprate then

*        fr_term = fr_term + 1
*        to_term = to_term + 1

*       myprate = mynrate
*      wfileline = mycovcd : "," : myyears : "," : fr_term : "," : to_term : "," : mynrate
*    print "fr term " : fr_term
*    print "to term " : to_term
*    print "mynrate " : mynrate

       wfileline = AgreementSeqNbr : "," : Fr_Term : ",": nYear : "," : nRate 
 print wfileline
       writeseq wfileline to wfilevar then errcode = 0 else errcode = -1
*  end
Return (0);

errorCode = 0


Thanks in advance

Girish Oak[/code]

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:32 pm
by kcbland
Just write a job with 11 output links from the transformer. Each link has a constraint for 1 of the 11 columns. This is a good design when you have a low, fixed number of pivoted rows.

Code: Select all

seq --->  xfm ---> seq1
              ---> seq2
              ---> seq3
              ---> seq4
              ---> seq5
              ---> seq6
              ---> ... you get the idea

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:35 pm
by girishoak
Thanks Ken for your idea.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:36 pm
by ray.wurlod
You've written an infinite loop containing ReadSeq statements.
That is, there is no exit from this loop.


Code: Select all

While ReadSeq rfileline from rfilevar 
 * statements
However, why not do this with a DataStage job? Read the 13 columns and output one, containing line feeds and repeats of columns 1 and 2. This technique has been discussed in the past, do a search on the Forum. It's exceedingly fast.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:41 pm
by kcbland
ray.wurlod wrote: However, why not do this with a DataStage job? Read the 13 columns and output one, containing line feeds and repeats of columns 1 and 2. This technique has been discussed in the past, do a search on the Forum. It's exceedingly fast.
He's doing the reverse, 1 row becomes 11. So, a splitter style transformer stage is the appropriate design. (Plus you caught his code error :shock: )

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:42 pm
by chulett
Also, isn't there an issue with using GOSUB syntax within a Routine? I was under the impression that was a no-no as you tended to exit the routine when the first 'return' was encountered.

Or that the presence of the multiple 'return' statements irritated the compiler...

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:47 pm
by kcbland
chulett wrote:Also, isn't there an issue with using GOSUB syntax within a Routine? I was under the impression that was a no-no as you tended to exit the routine when the first 'return' was encountered.

Or that the presence of the multiple 'return' statements irritated the compiler...
Nope, just fine. This is how you do this. On a previous post I discussed the way RETURN statements work. Basically, a GOSUB pushes the current code address onto the stack and then does direct branch to the label. At the next RETURN statement encountered, the stack has the current address popped, so that branching goes back to the value pushed. If you do 3 nested GOSUBs, then you have 3 addresses on the stack. It takes 3 RETURNs to get you back to the original point. This is why soooo many people harp on GOTO statements, because people use them to circumvent the RETURN mechanisms and can potentially overflow a stack pointer.

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:47 pm
by ray.wurlod
chulett wrote:Also, isn't there an issue with using GOSUB syntax within a Routine? I was under the impression that was a no-no as you tended to exit the routine when the first 'return' was encountered.

Or that the presence of the multiple 'return' statements irritated the compiler...
It is a known glitch in the compiler, but the glitch is actually when you use a RETURN statement that lacks an argument - that is, a RETURN statement rather than a RETURN function.
If you provide a RETURN function, as Girish has done with RETURN(0), the compiler is happy and - better - it runs properly. :D

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:50 pm
by kcbland
ray.wurlod wrote:
chulett wrote:Also, isn't there an issue with using GOSUB syntax within a Routine? I was under the impression that was a no-no as you tended to exit the routine when the first 'return' was encountered.

Or that the presence of the multiple 'return' statements irritated the compiler...
It is a known glitch in the compiler, but the glitch is actually when you use a RETURN statement that lacks an argument - that is, a RETURN statement rather than a RETURN function.
If you provide a RETURN function, as Girish has done with RETURN(0), the compiler is happy and - better - it runs properly. :D
ehhhh? You can put internal subroutines anywhere, even within functions. Am I missing something? You can have subroutines gosub other subroutines. Am I needing to shutup and to go bed?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:51 pm
by chulett
Thank you for the clarifications, gentlemen.

And from one stooge to another - yes, Ken, it's bedtime. Night Night. :wink:

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:52 pm
by ray.wurlod
kcbland wrote:
ray.wurlod wrote: However, why not do this with a DataStage job? Read the 13 columns and output one, containing line feeds and repeats of columns 1 and 2. This technique has been discussed in the past, do a search on the Forum. It's exceedingly fast.
He's doing the reverse, 1 row becomes 11. So, a splitter style transformer stage is the appropriate design. (Plus you caught his code error :shock: )
Yes, that's what I designed. Forgot to mention that you write it into a sequential file which you then read from.

The output column from Transformer stage is derived as

Code: Select all

c1:",":c2:",":c3:LF:c1:",":c2:",":c4:LF:c1:",":c2:",":c5:LF: ... :LF:c1:",":c2:",":c13
The inputs tab to the sequential file stage specifies 000 as the delimiter character and UNIX style end of line. (OP specified UNIX.)

The outputs tab from the sequential file stage specifies "," as the delimiter character and UNIX style end of line.

Go on, try it! :D

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:55 pm
by kcbland
ray.wurlod wrote:
kcbland wrote:
ray.wurlod wrote: However, why not do this with a DataStage job? Read the 13 columns and output one, containing line feeds and repeats of columns 1 and 2. This technique has been discussed in the past, do a search on the Forum. It's exceedingly fast.
He's doing the reverse, 1 row becomes 11. So, a splitter style transformer stage is the appropriate design. (Plus you caught his code error :shock: )
Yes, that's what I designed. Forgot to mention that you write it into a sequential file which you then read from.

The output column from Transformer stage is derived as

Code: Select all

c1:",":c2:",":c3:LF:c1:",":c2:",":c4:LF:c1:",":c2:",":c5:LF: ... :LF:c1:",":c2:",":c13
The inputs tab to the sequential file stage specifies 000 as the delimiter character and UNIX style end of line. (OP specified UNIX.)

The outputs tab from the sequential file stage specifies "," as the delimiter character and UNIX style end of line.

Go on, try it! :D

fffftt! Brain fart. Got it.