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Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 3:35 am
by berettae
I have to extract a large amount of data from VSAM file on AS/400 and to SQL Server on Windows NT, could anyone give some hints?
Does DataStageXE work goog with VSAM file?
Do I need to install something on AS/400 or just run COBOL programm generated by DataStageXE?
What does the DataStageXE COBOL programm produce? Sequential files or what?


Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 4:19 am
by roy
Been Awhile since I had the 390 course, but it seems to me you didn't :(
so I strongly recomend you do it, or at least get the course book materials and go thru them.
(I don't want to misslead you about it so I won't reply specificly to your question)
other people that use/know this stuff better then me can give you a good answer.
Sorry I can't help :(

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 8:15 am
by crouse
DS 390 probably won't help you here since DS 390 COBOL code (should) only runs on IBM 390 machines, but...

VSAM files are (at least) two files in one... one for data, the other is an index into the data. What you could is have an AS400 admin run a system utility (the name escapes me now) to create just the data file from the VSAM file, so in effect you have a flat sequential file.

Do a BINARY ftp of the file to your DS server, bring the COBOL FD into DS that describes the file, then use the CFF (Complex Flat File) stage to read the data.

At this point your free to load it into SQL server.

-Craig Rouse
Griffin Resources, Inc