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CDC for Oracle discussion anyone?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 9:59 am
by crouse
We're implementing Ascential's "CDC for Oracle" and wondering if anyone out there would be open to a discussion around architecture scenarios? We'd take the discussion off-line and then post back to here any useful information we find.

It may turn into more of an "Oracle Replication configuration" discussion then anything else. So, any heavies on Oracle Replication feel free to weigh in.

We know how to configure and use the product. The discussion revolves around replicating data from database A to database B using Oracle Replication, then from B to a replicant and CDC picks up at that point in the architecture.

Craig Rouse

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:05 pm
by roy
the only thing I can say about that is that concider it only if you have 1 source of data since last time we tried it it wouldn't work from several seperate locations.
unfortunatly it doesn't seem to work as a replication on a replication, so if you have several sites generating data you can't replicate them to a central DB and run cdc pack as a replication on that central DB.
at least that was the case in a project I was involved in a few months ago.
and yes it was oracel based.
we ended up doing the thing ourselves with DS :)