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Drive-by postings (also known as "post and run")

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 5:45 pm
by kcbland
Is it just me? :roll: So many 1 or 2 time posters will put out a thread, the resident experts post a request for clarification or ask the poster to narrow the scope, and then the poster disappears.

I'm anxiuosly waiting for the next post:
"I'm new to ETL tools. What's the best way to load a table?"

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 3:09 am
by roy
All I have to say Ken is lmao :wink:

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 9:43 am
by peterbaun
Hi -

What exactly do you mean by.... :)

Probably a lot of the "first-time-posters" doesn't realize how good this forum actually is to give useful answers - to specific questions. So when the questions are a bit vague and there wasn't an immidiate answer the perception might be that it would be too much trouble to get involved.

In other words - I don't know ! But it is a shame not taking this forum seriously.


Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 10:01 am
by Teej
Perhaps they are not used to the Forum, and do not wish to wade through all of those posts just to find out if someone gave them a reply.

How about this -- for brand new users, if they make a post, have it default to e-mailing them the notification whenever there is a reply to their own threads? Sure, we can turn it off, but it would be helpful for them to notice, "Oh, someone wants me to answer..."


Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 10:01 am
by kcbland
I'm not a shrink but if someone asks what they perceive is a simple question and they get an response indicating their question is vastly more complex, maybe they're either embarassed or intimidated.

ETL tools are sold with the idea that anybody can sit down and start developing a data warehouse, or a real-time integration application. It's a point of frustration for those of us who realized early on that an ETL tool like DataStage can be used in multiple environments (real-time warehouses, batch warehouses, EAI, EII, whatever) and that it takes skill and experience to do well. It's not something someone is going to pickup without research (reading books, trade publications, columns) and training under experienced architect.

I think the drive-by question is like looking under the bun of your cheeseburger and slamming it back down again once you realize what it is you're really biting into. :wink:

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 1:47 pm
by ray.wurlod
I am - among other things - a qualified psychologist, and can appreciate what Ken has just had to say. But there are a couple of things that give me the irrits on these forums (and Oliver's and others).
  • One is posters who provide no information about where they are. Why are they hiding?
    Another is those who demand answers, urgently. Now, if not yesterday. OK, I accept that some of this is ESL (English as second language) but it's not always the case. And, working throughout Asia as I do, I know for a fact that a little politeness goes a very long way.
    Yet another is all those posters who kick off with "I have a requirement to..." or "I need to...", who seem to be fixated on one particular method of accomplishing a goal and are unwilling to consider others.
But, to get back to the thread, there's not a great deal that we can do about drive-by postings except, maybe, add some boilerplate text (come back and check for more answers in a couple of days) or a private message to similar effect (were the answers to your post suitable?).

the answer

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 6:00 pm
by datastage
There is a spot on the main page that lists the 5 dullest personalities, oops, I mean the top 5 posters on the forum (the ones that keep it alive...thanks!). Anyways, we could create a section to list the post-and-runners, kinda like when you write a bad check and they post it at the checkout. Then they will suffer in their own lack of ETL knowledge humiliation! :twisted:

That would work right?

And I wonder who posters 6 through 10 are? Perhaps the BCS computers can calculate that in their offseason. :lol:

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 3:45 am
by roy
I disagree with the idea of posting "post and run" posters, as an intimidation tool.
I think this site should encorage (and have a spell checker :wink: ) people to post, but post wisely and politly (As Ray said).
this means, as mentioned, a simple reply of that poster if he/she decides to drop it, maybe even add to the topic something that says resolved or anything like it.

Obviously any solution won't be 100% but I think this place should be fun to be in and as polite as possible.

In short, I guess the best way to handle this would be: if the poster doesn't reply we should wait and assume as unread yet or solved/withdrawn, if they "keep the flame going" we can as well.

As Forest says, that's all I have to say about that :wink:

Re: the answer

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:58 am
by JDionne
datastage wrote:
And I wonder who posters 6 through 10 are? Perhaps the BCS computers can calculate that in their offseason. :lol:
you know we all accumilate these points...maybe the full member list can be sorted by points descending?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 4:11 pm
by Neil C
the full membership list CAN be sorted by the number of posts. The number 6 to 10 are as follows:

6. Teej 375
7. roy 222
8. ariear 173
9. JDionne 162
10. mhester 156


Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 4:14 pm
by ray.wurlod
(Whistling the 1812 Overture...)

This is number 1812 for me.

That fact will disappear into history once my points count increments, so I just felt like recording it in a persistent fashion.

Sorry for the interruption.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 5:53 pm
by Teej
ray.wurlod wrote:(Whistling the 1812 Overture...)
Hmm, In the year 378, Theodosius I becomes eastern Roman emperor after the death of Valens. Funny, considering that my first name is Theodore. :)

So um...

Go DataStage!


Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 11:59 pm
by Editor
Well, with the mere Editor humbled by the sheer magnitude of the posters here... (and friends as well) I think that drive by posters are for the most part, clear examples of the delta between the experts and those that aren't yet experts. Experts, thrive on 'meaty' exchanges that challenge their experiences and yet allow them to espouse the very principles of their craft. Drive by's cheat everybody of the benefits likely to be garnered from such an exchange.

I suggest the following. If a question is posted, all posters should respond as you would in structuring any conversation on the street. If you bump into someone new, based on your circumstances, you will either embrace their plight and overwhelm them with direction, or brush them off if your time has more value than to answer benign non-specific questions. One way sales types make their way through life is to pose a question when asked a question. Data Mining of sorts. If your follow up does not generate a solid response, then save that good answer for one more deserving. (or one that is willing to create a valid search against the post database)

Bottom line, we need our key posters to be challenged yet willing to participate. We also must make sure that no one capable of posting a solid response, not feel that they did so with Respect and Understanding or our group.

Oh yeah, Happy Holidays .... and please thank you for all that you do!!!


Dennis James .... Editor.

The top reasons that I love forums...

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 8:45 am
by JDionne
People have different ways of learning..some can be told something others have to see it. Im the second. I have to see a problem and go through the solution before I can truly understand and learn from the experiance. This is not my first forum...infact I find forums as my carrier path changes. I am a top poster on DBForumns..excpecialy in there access area. Through that forum I have worked through many problems and now I have an excelient comprehension of Access to the point that if you can dream it I can make it happen. (If you build it they will come.....)
That is the primary benifit for me to use a forum. I can use other peoples insights along with my perticular problem and LEARN. Oh my I get something from quaint. I also see value in giving back to the comunity. That is the other reason that I love forums...I get to give back. Once i am over a learning curve and I feel confident that i know whats happening I will contribute. Now im sure u all know that the learning curve for Access and the learning curve for DS is hugly different..but with minimal DS training (one 4 day class) and the help of this forum I am working on it. I am starting to add helpfull stuff and I hope to continue. I beleve in forums and what they can do for users. With our powers combined we can save the world of dirty data!!