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Can we call DataStage Job PL/SQL procedure

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 1:28 pm
by Angna
our project has lot of inter dependencies and we r trying to figure out what to do in DataStage and what in PL/sql
and again the process flow is like we need to call lot of func from other groups.So i know I can call PL/Sql procedure in a DataStage job.but if i need to call other way round i am not sure
Any comments on this will be appreciated

Re: Can we call DataStage Job PL/SQL procedure

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 1:35 pm
by raju_chvr
Angna wrote:we need to call lot of func from other groups
what other functions are you talking about. and for your primary question can we call DS jobs from other functions .. yes.. one way is to use command line for calling the jobs.

you can write UNIX(whatever shell) scripts to call both stored procedures and also DS jobs. Please search this forum on those issues.