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Treatment of NULLS in DS

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 12:47 am
by raviyn
I noticed a strange thing , let me know if anybody has faced a similar problem.

Inside the transformer I have used in the Derivation for two columns as @NULL , the O/P is going to a sequential file . What has happened is where the metadata for the column was Decimal(3,2) , the Data in sequential file has been written as 0.00 , but in a different column where i have used the same derivation where the column metadata is Decimal(2,0), the value being written to the Seq. file is NULL(Blanks) only.It is a fixed format file. :shock:


Re: Treatment of NULLS in DS

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 2:53 am
by bapajju
I simulated the same case in Windows environment and to my utter surprise :o I too got the same result i.e instead of NULL value I got 0.00.Just trying some round about ways to resolve the issue and will keep you posted incase I get any solution.