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Error when execute jobs with Merge Stage

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 9:20 pm
by Christina Lim
Can anyone please brief me how to use Merge Stage pluggin in my job.
I tried to merge 2 distinct records from 2 files of the same columns.
I am using Join Type: Complete Set. My mapping column key is clientid.(Actually, I dun have a key to join.. but I am forced to enter)
For my input column map, I do not know which file columns shld i put bcos i am combining 2 files of diff records. I can't put the columns from file 1 nor columns from file 2. When I run this job, I keep getting error :( :
MergeClientRecords..Merge_2LA_And_2L: first file column 'clientid' must be present in output column list
MergeClientRecords..Merge_2LA_And_2L: second file column 'clientid' must be present in output column list

Please help. Thanz a great lot.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 7:10 am
by Peytot

With PX, you need to have the same column name for your key. Change the column name of your update file.
