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Restart from the aborted job in a sequence

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 1:07 pm
by qwerty
We have couple of seqences. First sequence kicks off the second one, which has 10 jobs. If 7th job aborted in the second sequence, the execution should start from 7th job for the next run. Please post your suggestions or code.


Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 1:36 pm
by Peytot
If you would keep all the sequencer into DataStage, you might create a little sequencer where each first Job is a restart Job. Other your own solution is to create a temporary sequencer where you delete all the job already executed with success.

It's sure that you can create in basic your own scheduler (like before the version 5) but I don't think that now, it's the good solution especially for the evolution and maintenance)

Other, use an external scheduler like Tivoli.


Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 1:49 pm
by qwerty
Peytot wrote:If you would keep all the sequencer into DataStage, you might create a little sequencer where each first Job is a restart Job. Other your own solution is to create a temporary sequencer where you delete all the job already executed with success.

It's sure that you can create in basic your own scheduler (like before the version 5) but I don't think that now, it's the good solution especially for the evolution and maintenance)

Other, use an external scheduler like Tivoli.

Thanks for your suggestion. I will try Batch to accomplish this. What do you say?

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:09 pm
by kcbland
Search the forum for "restart job sequence" and read this discussion history.

Try this thread:


Read this thread for alternative discussions to using the Sequencer:


Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 2:13 pm
by Peytot
That can be a solution :
- Master Job or Routine which call a file. In this file, you have the list of your order.
- Shell script which replace your master Job,

You have a lot of possibilities. But before developping your solution, thinks to your team support, try to do : Keep it simply.

Pey :wink: