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Use of the 'Release Job' option

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 9:49 am
by bigpoppa
One of the DS user's machine crashed while he was doing an export. Because of the crash, two of his DS Server Jobs became locked. The DS Admin tried to release the locks by using the 'release job' option in Manager. However, for both jobs the 'release job' option remained greyed out.

We were told by ASCL that when a job gets locked b/c of a client machine crash, the job cannot be released by the 'release job' option. The only way to release the job is by bouncing the server. I think that's pretty crummy. And I was wondering if releasing the lock on the Server with UV commands is still an option in this case.


Re: Use of the 'Release Job' option

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 10:18 am
by Teej
bigpoppa wrote:We were told by ASCL that when a job gets locked b/c of a client machine crash, the job cannot be released by the 'release job' option. The only way to release the job is by bouncing the server.
Buzzzzzzzzzzz. Have that support person be retrained. This is far too common for them NOT to know about DS.TOOLS.

Search on this forum on how to telnet to the server's box and use DS.TOOLS. I'm experienced with UNIX so my answers would be slightly different for Windows. I believe there's a post by either Kim Duke or Ken Bland on that thread.

All you have to do is kill the connection that is locking that job, and in some cases, recompile the job and you're as good as new.


Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 10:19 am
by kduke

This has been covered quite a bit. You can clear resources. You can UNLOCK READULOCK in the UV account. Sometimes even if you get the job unlocked you need to recompile it to clear it of all issues. Do a search there is more detail on this in past topics.

Most of the time you do not need to reboot. ASCL is saying that because it is the easiest decision to support. You have to become a Universe DBA to become good at these types of issues. Most customers do not want to create admin people for DataStage much less Universe. Trust me it helps to know Universe and how DataStage works at alow level to get the most out of DataStage. ASCL likes to sell DataStage as maintenence free and it is close.


Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 12:09 pm
by chulett
Oh my. Releasing a job has got absolutely nothing to do with releasing locks or cleaning up after broken client connections. It's the first step in the "packaging" of jobs for migration from one server to another.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 1:08 pm
by kcbland

Here's all you need to do for Windows based DataStage:

viewtopic.php?t=85570&start=0&postdays= ... highlight=

This ALWAYS works.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 1:12 pm
by kcbland
How's this for a rant topic:

Why, after 7 years, has job/routine/design object lock release management never been addressed via enhancement to DS Administrator???

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

hhhmmmm? Is this not the most frequently asked question, and the one with twenty different hack approaches that all have little gotchas? :cry: