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Datastage 5.2 compatible with Oracle 9i (9.0.2) ?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 3:05 pm
by skintali
Can someone tell me if Datastage 5.2 on IBM AIX is comparible with Oracle 9.0.2 ? Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 3:16 pm
by skintali
Sorry, you should read it as compatible not comparible.

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 3:30 pm
by ariear
I think it's NOT :cry:
However you can use Oracle8 Stage provided you have an Oracle 8 Client installed on the datastage server tier (It works but it's a 32bit client and the 9 client is 64bit - and the customers wonders why ?) and there's more...
You can't use ORAOCIBL/ORABULK stage because Oracle does not support SQLLDR between different versions (???????)
I'm not sure that's all ???

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 4:44 pm
by kcbland
You will have to use the Oracle 8 client, and the Oracle 8 OCI stage. This works, but, you do a have few USER codes that won't be understood coming back from 9 when using an 8 client. This will have to be handled by your DBA team.

You absolutely can use sqlldr against 9i. The trick is to use the local client on the server. If you are doing remote sqlldr calls across the network, you can't use DIRECT path loading. You'll be moving the files via FTP locally and then using a local execution of sqlldr have the ability to DIRECT path load. Conventional loading from 8i client to a 9i database works as far as I know. My last client did this no problem, the EDW was 8i and also hosted DataStage. The data marts where 9i on HP machines. The DIRECT loaded via an FTP/rsh paradigm, and CONVENTIONAL loaded right from the EDW server.

As far as DS 5.2, you only have the 8i plugin so you're actually better off IMO. Search this forum for the hate-list of issues to what Ascential did to the 9i plugin. :evil: