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Named pipes in Parallel jobs!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 3:47 am
by pkothana
Hi All,
Can we read from a named pipe in a parallel job? I have seen that in Sequential file stage of server jobs, there is a check box for specifying that data has to be read using named pipes. Is there anything equivalent to this available in Parallel jobs?

Also, we are planning to migrating to DS version 7. I was wondering if this facility is there in version 7 PX jobs.

Thanks in Advance

Named pipes in Parallel jobs

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 10:35 am
by bigpoppa
It was available in the "import" stage in 6.0. I think the "import" stage was replaced by the sequential file stage in PX, so if the option exists, it should be availabe in the seq file stage.

Can anyone verify this?