Accessing Excel Sheet with ODBC

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Accessing Excel Sheet with ODBC

Post by Rahul »

Hi All,

Can somebody give me a small jist of the changes that needs to be done to odbc.ini and uvodbc.cfg for ODBC access. I have excel file as the source. These files are ftp'ed into the unix environment and datastage should work on these excel files placed on unix box.


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Post by Rahul »

I am sorry the server is 6.x
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Post by ariear »

I'ts hard to belive you'll find an ODBC driver for .XLS on unix box :(
However if you'll save (or write a macro that saves) the XLS as CSV files with column names with no white spaces you'll be able to process them with sequential satge :D
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Post by vmcburney »

ODBC drivers for Excel do not come standard on Unix, nor are Microsoft the least bit interested in providing them. There have been a couple threads on this forum about Excel and the advice usually is to save the data to a delimited format or purchase a Unix to Windows bridging product.

You don't have many "Save As" or export options from Excel. CSV is dangerous if there are inverted commas and commas in your text, which is common in addresses. Tab delimited can be a better option. The safest is to write an application or macro that dumps the data into a pipe delimited file.
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Post by scboyce »

I always say, "When in doubt, Perl can do it!"

This is quite a common requirement. Albiet, one I would like to say no to since it is quite easy to get bad data in a spreadsheet. However, we typically don't have the power to say no. Assuming you have controls on data content quality, wouldn't it be nice to FTP the XLS file in binary mode directly to UNIX and dump the contents to a flat file programatically during the sourcing phase?

I was going to write a generic perl XLS data dumper using a format file to describe the XLS, but, alas, like everything else, that simply made the to do list and then I came down off my cloud and I quickly wrote this script to get the job done for a specific XLS. Anyway, it's quite simple and can be modified to handle your specific layout.

This is standard Perl stuff except that it uses an Excel parser module that is freeley available from CPAN. See notes in comments of script.

Of course it has directory structure etc that is specific to the architecture where I wrote this to run, but again that can easily be modified. The real work here is in the use of the module that makes this task a snap, hands off and schedulable.

Code: Select all

# Program:
# Description: See ShowBlurb function below for details
# Notes: This script requires some CPAN modules:
#        * IO-stringy
#        * OLE-Storage_Lite
#        * Spreadsheet-ParseExcel
#        All of these are available at
#        They musy be installed in the above order.
# === Modification History ===================================================
# Date       Author           Comments
# ---------- --------------- -------------------------------------------------
# 07-31-2003 Steve Boyce     Created.

use Getopt::Std;
use File::Basename;
use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel;

sub ShowBlurb
Syntax: -h <ParameterFile> <FilesetDate>

Description: Specific conversion script for Commission file.

Parameters:  ParameterFile - Name of parameter file.
             FilesetDate   - Date of directory in file induction area
                             Format: "YYYY-MM-DD"

Options:     -h  This help.

Notes:       commission.xls has one worksheet.
             It has one header row.  It has no footer rows.  All non header rows
             will be processed.  Blank rows will be ignored without an error.

             The Target extract file will always be overwritten without warning.

             Progress messages and error messages are written to STD-OUT.

sub Now
   my ($InFormat) = @_;
   my $RetVal = "";
   my ($Seconds, $Minutes, $Hours, $Day, $MonthNumber, $YearNumber, $WeekDayNumber, $DayOfYear, $IsDayLightSavings) = localtime(time);
   my $Year = $YearNumber + 1900;
   my $Month = sprintf("%02d", $MonthNumber + 1);
   $Day = sprintf("%02d", $Day);
   $Hours = sprintf("%02d", $Hours);
   $Minutes = sprintf("%02d", $Minutes);
   $Seconds = sprintf("%02d", $Seconds);

   if    ($InFormat eq "YYYYMMDD")          { $RetVal = "$Year$Month$Day"; }
   elsif ($InFormat eq "YYYY-MM-DD")        { $RetVal = "$Year-$Month-$Day"; }
   elsif ($InFormat eq "DDMMYYYY")          { $RetVal = "$Day$Month$Year"; }
   elsif ($InFormat eq "DD-MM-YYYY")        { $RetVal = "$Day-$Month-$Year"; }
   elsif ($InFormat eq "YYYYMMDD.HH24MISS") { $RetVal = "$Year$Month$Day.$Hours$Minutes$Seconds"; }
   else                                     { $RetVal = "$Year-$Month-$Day $Hours:$Minutes:$Seconds"; }
   return $RetVal;

sub NowBlurb
   return Now, " ", basename($0);

sub DieWith
   my ($MessageLine) = @_;
   print NowBlurb, " $MessageLine\n";
   exit 1;

sub GetParameters
   my ($sParameterFile, $sImportsFilesetDirectory) = @_;

   my $nStartOfValue = 0;
   my $nLength = 0;

   if (open fhParameterFile, "<".$sParameterFile) {
      while (<fhParameterFile>) {
         if ($_ =~ /^ImportsFilesetDirectory/) {
            $nStartOfValue = index($_, "=") + 1;
            $nLength = length($_);
            $$sImportsFilesetDirectory = substr($_, $nStartOfValue, $nLength - $nStartOfValue);
      close fhParameterFile;
   else  {
      DieWith("Error: Unable to open file ($sParameterFile).");

sub IsADate
   my ($sInDate, $sFormat) = @_;

   my $sTrimmedDate = $sInDate;
   my $lReturnValue = $cFalse;

   #-- We are expecting a date in string format like "MM/DD/YYYY"
   #-- Strip out whitespaces
   $sTrimmedDate =~ s/ |\t|\n//g;
   if (length($sTrimmedDate) == 10) {
      #-- Correct length
      if ($sFormat eq "MM/DD/YYYY") {
         if (substr($sTrimmedDate,2,1) eq "/" and substr($sTrimmedDate,5,1) eq "/") {
            #-- Correct slash placement
            if (substr($sTrimmedDate,0,2) >= 1 and substr($sTrimmedDate,0,2) <= 12) {
               #-- Valid month
               if (substr($sTrimmedDate,3,2) >= 1 and substr($sTrimmedDate,3,2) <= 31) {
                  #-- Valid day
                  if (substr($sTrimmedDate,6,4) >= 1900 and substr($sTrimmedDate,6,4) <= 9999) {
                     #-- Valid year
                     $lReturnValue = $cTrue;
      elsif ($sFormat eq "YYYY-MM-DD") {
         if (substr($sTrimmedDate,4,1) eq "-" and substr($sTrimmedDate,7,1) eq "-") {
            #-- Correct slash placement
            if (substr($sTrimmedDate,5,2) >= 1 and substr($sTrimmedDate,5,2) <= 12) {
               #-- Valid month
               if (substr($sTrimmedDate,8,2) >= 1 and substr($sTrimmedDate,8,2) <= 31) {
                  #-- Valid day
                  if (substr($sTrimmedDate,0,4) >= 1900 and substr($sTrimmedDate,0,4) <= 9999) {
                     #-- Valid year
                     $lReturnValue = $cTrue;
   return $lReturnValue;

   my ($InDate) = @_;

   #-- Convert MM/DD/YYYY to YYYYMMDD
   my $sReturnValue = substr($InDate,6,4).substr($InDate,0,2).substr($InDate,3,2);

   return $sReturnValue;

sub FormatToFloatingPointDecimal
   my ($oWorkSheetCell, $Precision) = @_;

   my $sReturnValue = 0;

   if (defined $oWorkSheetCell) {
      #-- This value is not empty
      $sReturnValue = sprintf("%1.${Precision}f", $oWorkSheetCell->{Val})
   return $sReturnValue;

sub FormatToString
   my ($oWorkSheetCell) = @_;

   my $sReturnValue = "";

   if (defined $oWorkSheetCell) {
      #-- This value is not empty
      $sReturnValue = $oWorkSheetCell->{Val};
      $sReturnValue =~ s/ |\t|\n//g;
   return $sReturnValue;

sub ProcessWorksheet
   my ($fhExtractFile, $oWorkSheet) = @_;

   my $sWorkSheetName = $oWorkSheet->{Name};
   my $iMaxRows = $oWorkSheet->{MaxRow};
   my $iMaxCols = 0;
   my $iCurRow = 0;
   my $iCurCol = 0;
   my $nNumberOfRowWritten = 0;

   print NowBlurb, " Processing WorkSheet : ", $sWorkSheetName, "...\n";
   print NowBlurb, " MaxRows (zeros based) : ", $iMaxRows, "\n";

   #-- Make sure we have minimum required rows (based on 1 data row + 1 header row)
   if ($iMaxRows >= 1) {
      #-- Loop through rows
      for($iCurRow = 0; $iCurRow <= $iMaxRows; $iCurRow++) {
         #-- Skip the first row
         if ($iCurRow > 0) {
            #-- OK let's process this row
            #-- Make sure it has the appropriate number of columns
            $iMaxCols = $oWorkSheet->{MaxCol};
            if ($iMaxCols == 15) {
               #-- This row has correct number of columns
               #-- Write out row to output file

               #-- 1 Group_key
               print $fhExtractFile       FormatToFloatingPointDecimal($oWorkSheet->{Cells}[$iCurRow][0], 0);
               #-- 2 Personality_key
               print $fhExtractFile "|", FormatToFloatingPointDecimal($oWorkSheet->{Cells}[$iCurRow][1], 0);
               #-- 3 Comm_pay_key
               print $fhExtractFile "|", FormatToFloatingPointDecimal($oWorkSheet->{Cells}[$iCurRow][2], 0);
               #-- 4 Category_id
               print $fhExtractFile "|", FormatToFloatingPointDecimal($oWorkSheet->{Cells}[$iCurRow][3], 0);
               #-- 5 Vendor_id
               print $fhExtractFile "|", FormatToFloatingPointDecimal($oWorkSheet->{Cells}[$iCurRow][4], 0);
               #-- 6 Item_id
               print $fhExtractFile "|", FormatToFloatingPointDecimal($oWorkSheet->{Cells}[$iCurRow][5], 0);
               #-- 7 Order_dt
               print $fhExtractFile "|", FormatToFloatingPointDecimal($oWorkSheet->{Cells}[$iCurRow][6], 0);
               #-- 8 Subsidiary_desc
               print $fhExtractFile "|", FormatToString($oWorkSheet->{Cells}[$iCurRow][7]);
               #-- 9 Hour_desc
               print $fhExtractFile "|", FormatToString($oWorkSheet->{Cells}[$iCurRow][8]);
               #-- 10 Comm_pct
               print $fhExtractFile "|", FormatToFloatingPointDecimal($oWorkSheet->{Cells}[$iCurRow][9], 2);
               #-- 11 Comm_per_unit
               print $fhExtractFile "|", FormatToFloatingPointDecimal($oWorkSheet->{Cells}[$iCurRow][10], 2);
               #-- 12 Comm_factor
               print $fhExtractFile "|", FormatToFloatingPointDecimal($oWorkSheet->{Cells}[$iCurRow][11], 2);
               #-- 13 Vendor_exclude
               print $fhExtractFile "|", FormatToString($oWorkSheet->{Cells}[$iCurRow][12]);
               #-- 14 Item_exclude
               print $fhExtractFile "|", FormatToString($oWorkSheet->{Cells}[$iCurRow][13]);
               #-- 15 Comm_beg_dt
               print $fhExtractFile "|", FormatToFloatingPointDecimal($oWorkSheet->{Cells}[$iCurRow][14], 0);
               #-- 16 Comm_end_dt
               print $fhExtractFile "|", FormatToFloatingPointDecimal($oWorkSheet->{Cells}[$iCurRow][15], 0);

               #-- LineFeed
               print $fhExtractFile "\n";
               $nNumberOfRowWritten ++;
            else {
               #-- Invalid number of columns
               DieWith("Error: Row $iCurRow (zeros based) has incorrect number of columns ($iMaxCols).");
   else {
      #-- Invalid number of columns
      DieWith("Error: WorkSheet must contain at least 2 rows.");
   return $nNumberOfRowWritten;

sub ProcessExcelFile
   my ($sExcelFile, $fhExtractFile) = @_;

   my $oExcel;
   my $oWorkBook;
   my @oWorksheetPointers = ();
   my $oWorkSheet;
   my $nNumberOfRowWritten = 0;

   print NowBlurb, " Opening Excel spreadsheet: $sExcelFile...", "\n";
   $oExcel = new Spreadsheet::ParseExcel;
   $oWorkBook = $oExcel->Parse($sExcelFile);

   print NowBlurb, " Validating Excel spreadsheet...", "\n";
   #-- Do some basic validation on the spreadsheet
   $NumberOfSheets = $oWorkBook->{SheetCount};

   #-- Make sure we have exactly three sheets
   if ($NumberOfSheets == 1) {
      #-- Correct number of sheets

      #-- Load up array of Worksheet Object Pointers
      @oWorksheetPointers = (@{$oWorkBook->{Worksheet}});
      foreach my $oWorkSheet (@oWorksheetPointers) {
         print NowBlurb, " WorkSheet : ", $oWorkSheet, " : ", $oWorkSheet->{Name}, "\n";
      #-- Make sure each sheet has expected name
      if ($oWorksheetPointers[0]->{Name} eq "Commission") {
         #-- All expected sheets exist with proper names

         #-- Process each Worksheet one at a time
         foreach $oWorkSheet (@oWorksheetPointers) {
            $nNumberOfRowWritten += ProcessWorksheet($fhExtractFile, $oWorkSheet);
      else {
         #-- Invalid number of sheets
         DieWith("Error: Spreadsheet contains WorkSheets with invalid names. Expecting commission");
   else {
      #-- Invalid number of sheets
      DieWith("Error: Spreadsheet must contain only three WorkSheets ($NumberOfSheets).");
   return $nNumberOfRowWritten;

sub WriteReadyFile
   my ($sExtractFile, $nNumberOfRowWritten) = @_;

   my $sReadyFilePath = dirname($sExtractFile);
   my $sReadyFileName = basename($sExtractFile).".rdy";

   $sReadyFile = $sReadyFilePath.$cSlash.$sReadyFileName;
   print NowBlurb, " Ready file name: $sReadyFile\n";
   if (open (fhReadyFile, ">$sReadyFile")) {
      print fhReadyFile Now("YYYYMMDD"), sprintf("%010d", $nNumberOfRowWritten), "\n";
      close fhReadyFile;
      print NowBlurb, " Ready file closed.\n";
   else  {
      DieWith("Error: Unable to create file ($sReadyFile).");

#-- Main

#-- Global variables (constants)
$cTrue = 1;
$cFalse = 0;
$cIsUnix = $cFalse;
if (!($^O =~ /Win/)) {
   $cIsUnix = $cTrue;
$cSlash = "\\";
if ($cIsUnix) {
   $cSlash = "\/";

#-- Local variables
my $nNumArgs = 0;
my $sParameterFile = "";
my $sFilesetDate = "";
my $sStrippedFilesetDate = "";
my $sTargXLSFile = "commission.xls";
my $sTargExportFile = "commission";
my $sImportsFilesetDirectory = "";
my $sExcelFile = "";
my $sExtractFile = "";
my $nNumberOfRowWritten = 0;

print NowBlurb, " Initializing...", "\n";

if (getopts('h')) {
   if ( $opt_h ) {
      exit 2;
   $nNumArgs = scalar(@ARGV);
   if ( $nNumArgs == 2 ) {
      $sParameterFile = $ARGV[0];
      #-- Make sure Parameter file exists and is readable
      if ( -r $sParameterFile ) {
         #-- Process parameters
         print NowBlurb, " Reading parameters from: $sParameterFile...\n";
         GetParameters($sParameterFile, \$sImportsFilesetDirectory);
         print NowBlurb, " TargXLSFile: $sTargXLSFile\n";
         print NowBlurb, " TargExportFile: $sTargExportFile\n";
         print NowBlurb, " ImportsFilesetDirectory: $sImportsFilesetDirectory\n";

         $sFilesetDate = $ARGV[1];
         #-- Make sure FilesetDate is a date
         if (IsADate($sFilesetDate, "YYYY-MM-DD")) {
            #-- Replace #DTE# token in ImportsFilesetDirectory
            $sStrippedFilesetDate = $sFilesetDate;
            $sStrippedFilesetDate =~ tr /-//d;
            $sImportsFilesetDirectory =~ s/#DTE#/$sStrippedFilesetDate/;
            print NowBlurb, " ImportsFilesetDirectory: $sImportsFilesetDirectory\n";

            #-- Build Excel and Export file names
            $sExcelFile = $sImportsFilesetDirectory.$cSlash.$sTargXLSFile;
            $sExtractFile = $sImportsFilesetDirectory.$cSlash.$sTargExportFile;
            print NowBlurb, " ExcelFile: $sExcelFile\n";
            print NowBlurb, " ExtractFile: $sExtractFile\n";

            #-- Open output file
            print NowBlurb, " Opening output extract file : $sExtractFile...", "\n";
            if (open (fhExtractFile, ">$sExtractFile")) {
               $nNumberOfRowWritten = ProcessExcelFile($sExcelFile, \*fhExtractFile);
               close fhExtractFile;
               print NowBlurb, " Extract file closed.  $nNumberOfRowWritten rows written.\n";
               print NowBlurb, " Creating ready file...\n";
               WriteReadyFile($sExtractFile, $nNumberOfRowWritten);
               print NowBlurb, " Complete.\n";
            else  {
               DieWith("Error: Unable to create file ($sExtractFile).");
         else  {
            DieWith("Error: Invalid FilesetDate ($sFilesetDate).");
      else  {
         DieWith("Error: Unable to read file ($sParameterFile).");
   else  {
      DieWith("Error: Missing parameter. <ParameterFile> <FilesetDate>");
else  {
   DieWith("Error: Invalid options.");
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Re: Accessing Excel Sheet with ODBC

Post by Guennif »

Easy, effectly you ve got ODBC on unix with the company Merant (Old Intersolv company). To extract data or write on an xcell file, you create a section in in the odbc.ini file in your project with the pathname to this file. In a second time, dopn t forget to create in the xcell file a table (permit you to see the xcl data). Don t forget if you want to write in this file to add this information read on 'off'.
You will see in the manager the section created before in your file, and read easily your datya..same for writing.
For your curiosity, you ve got a sequelink server with Merant solution wich pezrmit you to create a gateway to your xcl file without ftp get...
Bye, for more information write to me on my adress....
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Post by Rahul »

Thanks Steve,Gunnif and everybody for the posts. Steve, I would like things to do the perl way when we do not have any options left. CPAN has modules for nearly everything. :D

But folks are hesitant on putting the ExcelParser on. They would like to stick onto the traditional way of converting the file to CSV manually and then putting it onto the unix box and loading it. :cry:

Thanks again,

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