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DataStage- Informatica

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 5:23 pm
by Rajeev
Can anybody please describe the advantages using the datastage over informatica.

Thank You

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 6:00 pm
by tonystark622

We had a discussion about this very topic within the last few months. If you search the archives, I'm sure that you will find what you're looking for.

Good Luck,

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2003 8:24 am
by datastagedummy

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 2:00 pm
by tunde
It is very true that Datastage has its advantages but personally, as someone who's worked with both tools, I think Informatica is a better tool because of its scalability and metadata capabilities.
Since i have started with Datastage, I have encountered some problems that i thought have never encountered with Informatica.
On learning curve, I never went to class for informatica and i learned so much in a short time that i excellent with its implementation but thats not the case with the Px implementation that ihave.
On speed you cannot compare the speed from Datastage server to Informatica. I would say though that the speed from Px is better.
This are my personal thoughts and opinions based on my experience with both tools.
I know a lot of people might not agree but its ok.


Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 11:03 am
by steven
I agree with Tunde, I worked with both tools and Informatica is much mature in terms of metadata management, mapping management and much more integrated than DataStage. Those of you who worked with PX and Server know what I mean by integrated... or sorry not-integrated.

On the other hand, the development process is a little less complex with DataStage than Informatica... I guess it goes with the depth of the tool !!!
The learning curve, from my experience, was smaller on DataStage.


Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 9:29 pm
by Editor

Interesting question, but I ask, why would you ask it publicly here? The purpose of this forum is service the thousands of of consultants paid to deliver Datastage related services. What is the purpose of the question. Maybe if you tell us why you are interested in the comparison our members can give you a clearer answer.


Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 2:51 am
by degraciavg
indulge me to add a few things to satisfy Rajeev's curiosity...

1. Informatica doesn't support milliseconds - if you are using time to establish uniqueness then you can't do it with this tool... unless you write a special script... :(
2. Informatica performs well with simple, direct source-to-target mappings but it degrades faster than DS when a number of lookups are involved (esp if the volume of the lookup table is big) - in short, DS hash files outperforms Informatica's lookup transformations. Informatica reads the database table and builds a cache in memory but when this memory cache overflows, it will land the data to the server disk and creates the data file and index file... (i think you can already imagine the I/O operations involved)... factor in the number of lookups and the volume and the other jobs that are running...
3. a simple delete and insert will require two data streams in Informatica (one to delete, the other to insert)... or a pre-session sql script but this is tricky if it involves parameters... i think it's a bug :wink:
4. i hate the Normalizer transformation :evil: - the Pivot stage is so much better!
5. i hate the IIF() and DECODE() statements :evil: - a DS routine is more readable and flexible!
6. Informatica doesn't have direct access to mainfram VSAM files... that's why they bought Striva to have this functionality.
7. if you happen to create a lot of mappings, say, 5000 mappings, you also need to create at least 5000 sessions!
8. batching issue - you can't call Workflows within a Workflow. you have to create Worklets to do that... now, Workflows + Worklets + sessions + parameter files + mappings...

need i say more? :roll:


Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 7:02 am
by tunde
if all this things are bad with Informatica. How come they have the largest base of customers.
Look no tool is the perfect tool. it all depends on how you work with it. for some people, informatica works better and for some Ds if prefered.
As for me, i really dont care what tool i use, as long as i can get the work done and get paid.

Tunde :)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 7:51 am
by degraciavg
tunde wrote:if all this things are bad with Informatica. How come they have the largest base of customers.
AFAIK, there's no Informatica client yet in Thailand :o
Look no tool is the perfect tool...
Agree... I have always thought that the "Learning Curve" is 90% borne by the "Learner" and 10% by the tool :wink:
As for me, i really dont care what tool i use, as long as i can get the work done and get paid.
Me too! :P


Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 8:09 am
by kcbland
My little acxioms:

The best tool cannot overcome the limitations of the user. (A user can use a tool poorly, then blame the tool for being slow or difficult.)

The worst tool can be overcome by a skilled user. ('Nuff said.)

Smart ETL beats brute force ETL.

Don't use a Howitzer to swat a fly (ripoff, I know).

Your ETL tool is one tool in your toolbelt. (Use the appropriate means to get the job done, it's a judgment call when to step outside the tool.)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 1:51 pm
by Peytot
Sorry the PRO Informatica but I have a Knowledge with PowerMart (Informatica is the name of the society) , DataStage, Genio and Sunopsis.
The only best point that I give to Powermart vs DataStage is PowerMart have an inpact analysis in a current version.
But the advantage of DataStage vs Powermart are :
- easy to use... No comparaison
- Basic
- Schedule
- routine Before/After
- .....

And very sorry but Informatica is the second society in the ETL Tools after Ascential.

Good luck if you choose PowerMart.


Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 1:55 pm
by Peytot
I forget one important point :
THE SUPPORT. Good luck with informatica, the first level is very bad and you should not be in a hurry.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2003 2:02 pm
by Teej
Peytot wrote:I forget one important point :
THE SUPPORT. Good luck with informatica, the first level is very bad and you should not be in a hurry.
Haha. That is until Mark T. get a nervous breakdown. :-P~

(He'll kill me if he found out about this. Haha)
