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Get the Error Message

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 1:37 pm
by badhri

Similar to the DSGetJobInfo where I can retrive the Start time, End Time and the status is their a function where I can retrive the complete Error message from the job incase of any Warning/Abort.

I guess the notification activity does this and I would like to know the DS function that it uses to do the same.

Thanks in Advance.

Badhri ...

Badhrinath Krishnamoorthy

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2003 3:59 pm
by chulett
There are three, documented in the online help:


They should be what you are looking for.


ps. If you want to know how the Sequencer stages do what they do, check out the generated code on the 'Job Control' page of a Sequence Job after you compile it. [:)]