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Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 7:05 am
by tonystark622

The Oracle client must be installed and configured correctly on the Solaris server on which DataStage is running. In addition, the directories containing the Oracle libraries must be added to some Environment variables in the 'dsenv' file. The 'dsenv' file is in the ../DataStage/DSEngine directory.

There is a ORAOCI.PDF file on the installation CD that contains instructions for properly configuring DataStage to use the ORAOCI9 stage to access Oracle.

Hope this helps,

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 7:38 am
by kcbland
It's your DataStage server that does all communications with databases, so therefore, that server has to have access to all the databases required. Oracle's native connectivity is achieved through having the Oracle client software installed. Even your PC has Oracle client software installed so that you can use something like Toad or SQL-Navigator. It's no different for the DataStage server.

Access to Oracle databases is controlled through a file called tnsnames.ora. This file resides on all machines that have the Oracle client software. Entries are put into this file that specify instances and their hosts. Have your DBA's and Unix support to a full installation of Oracle client on the DataStage server, and make sure that they setup the tnsnames.ora file to have the appropriate entries for your work.

Your last step is to have the dsenv file configured on the DataStage server to point to the Oracle libraries and Oracle home.

Good luck!

Kenneth Bland

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2003 5:43 pm
by ray.wurlod
A good way to think of it is that your DataStage Engine is just another client as far as the Oracle database server is concerned. So it needs to have whatever client software, environment variables, and so on that any other Oracle client would require on that machine.

If you want to work via ODBC you will also need to configure a DSN for connecting to this Oracle database; on UNIX systems this involves editing a file called .odbc.ini, and ensuring that the driver is findable (via LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable). But the ORAOCI stage types use the client software directly; they do not operate via ODBC.

Ray Wurlod
Education and Consulting Services
ABN 57 092 448 518