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Get the total number of records insert/update

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 9:04 pm
by calvinlo
Hi all,

I have one input file pointing to multiple output stage according to different constraints. How can i get the number of records inserted/updated in each of the stage?? Thank you


Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 9:40 pm
by vmcburney
If you are finding the result manually you can see it in the third last log file message each time that job runs. It shows you how many rows were read in and out:
2463820 rows read from inputfile
18367 rows written to customer
39299 rows written to customerhistory
39383 rows written to customerpurchase

If you need to retrieve it automatically and send it to a file or an email message then from a routine use the DSGetLinkInfo command to retrieve a count from each link. Have a look at the following topic which has some excellent advice from the Duke about retrieving job information from a finished job: ... etLinkInfo

Vincent McBurney
Data Integration Services