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DataStage Developer Licenses

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 4:50 am
by ewartpm
Hi All

I recently received upgraded DataStage to version 6. My previous license details specified a user limit of 2. The new license details specified a user limit of 1. I did the upgrade, and discovered that I could still have 2 concurrent developers working. Now I was wondering if the limit from the previous version exists somewhere and was not overwritten or is this a bug. If I had a user limit of 6 from example, could I get away with having 6 + 1 concurrent developers?

I noticed an earlier posting where Ray replied saying one could find an exec called uvlictool in the dsengine bin folder which would indicate the number of licenses. [V]I however cannot find it (I'm running DS under Windows 2000).

[?]Has anyone else experienced this 'extra' developer phenomenon?

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 5:48 am
by Peytot

Normally, when you updates, you must again give the information on your licence. The system integrates this information into the place of old (users, date, ...).[:p]
For the user number, I don't ever pay great attention, but I already was blocked because of lack of licence. I do not pay attention if it allowed me 1 or N users moreover.[:o)]


Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 6:20 am
by ewartpm
[?]Pey, I'm not quite sure I understand your answer when you say you don't pay attention to the user limit. When you were blocked, was it because you had the same number of concurrent developers accessing DataStage as the user limit in the license details e.g. user limit 5 and you had 5 users logged in?

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 7:16 am
by Peytot
It's only the number of user who are connected in DataStage. You can install on 100 computers but if you have 5 licences, when the 6 try to use DataStage he can't. And you have a message with limit user licence

I have 30 user in my licence but I don't know if I blocked on the 31 or 32. But it blocked me with message limit user licence.


PS : Sorry for my enghish.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 4:21 pm
by ray.wurlod
Number of developers is licensed separately from the number of telnet users. In version 6 most things that used to be uv... are now ds..., so you need to use dslictool.exe. Syntax is:
dslictool report_lic
(There is another option, clean_lic -a, to clean up after users become defunct.) At version 6.0 this utility also reports whether mainframe and/or parallel extended capabilities are licensed.

However, the licensing model for version 6 has changed radically; my earlier post was for a user on version 4.x. At version 6 licensing of the engine is for a particular number of CPUs. The number of developers licensed is entered when you install the developer tools (the serial number ending in DSDES). This can be found from the Registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREAscential SoftwareDataStage ClientCurrent Version. Look for the key "Limit".

Ray Wurlod
Education and Consulting Services
ABN 57 092 448 518

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 2:36 am
by ewartpm
[:D]Thanks Ray and Pey for your input. I was just wondering if one gets a 'freebie' developer where your license details specify 2 concurrent users, but one can get away with 3. Ray, please explain the difference between Telnet license options and the Developer client license options.


Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 10:42 am
by kduke

I don't know what the real limit is but it does just warn you that you are over the limit and lets you keep logging in.


Kim Duke
DwNav - ETL Navigator

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 4:50 pm
by ray.wurlod
"telnet" licensing (my term) limits the number of concurrent telnet (that is, tty or pts) connections to the DataStage server. This was the licensing model used prior to release 6.0.

Developer licensing (ostensibly) limits the number of connected DataStage clients, which connect via a different mechanism called dscs (formerly uvcs). This is the number of users you enter when installing the DataStage Developer suite (the one with serial number xxxxxx-DSDES). Clearly, from this thread, it seems not always to be rigidly enforced, though I have worked on sites that have bumped into it; licensed for 10 developers they were unable to start an eleventh.

Note, too, that developer licensing governs the number of IP addresses from which clients can connect. Any one PC can have up to ten clients open, still consuming only one developer licence on the server. This practice is known as "device licensing".