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Doubts regarding FTP Stage

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2003 1:28 am
by Viswanath
Hi All,
I have worked with DataStage OS390. On the mainframe side I know it is not possible to use the FTP stage to FTP VSAM files. On the server side, I want to know if the FTP stage can be used to access Hash files? Has anyone done this? If its possible is there anything that I have to take care of?

Also I want to know which stage is useful when accessing Oracle tables? ODBC or ORAOCI? This may have been covered before, it would be great if you folks could give me the link for the conversation.



Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2003 8:06 am
by chulett
Hmmm... are you sure it's not possible to FTP VSAM files from the MF side? I don't work with DS/390 but it seems like it would just be a binary ftp - and if you can do it manually you can (typically) do it via DataStage. [?]

On the server side, you wouldn't ftp the hash files directly (as they are not really 'files', more like a collection of files in a directory), but you could certainly read the hash and feed it to an FTP stage, effectively ftp'ing the contents as a 'flat file'. Then the receiving side could do whatever was appropriate with it, including building a new hash.

As for Oracle (or any other database for that matter), I'd always use a native stage over a generic one, if possible. The only functional advantage for ODBC (for now) that I can think of would be to access a Stored Procedure, otherwise OCI is the way to go in my book.


Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2003 10:03 am
by tonystark622
Viswanath.s and Craig,

I've found the "Multi-row reference link" functionality of the ODBC (and Universe) stages to be very helpful a couple of times. This is a reason to use the ODBC stage instead of the Oracle OCI, as the Oracle OCI stage doesn't support that functionality.

Hope this helps.