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Reading parameters dynamically

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 10:46 pm
by shiva459
I've designed a sequencer which should read the parameters from os level file.What i did is wrote small pro which reads the values from OS file and assigns to all the jobs in sequencer.But some how it is not able to assign the parameters and taking the default parameters given in the individual jobs.I am providing the job control code for the server job and the pro is highlighted in bold.Please do go through it and correct me where i am going wrong.Any help will be greatly appreciated.
* Tokens were replaced below as follows:
* Id17%%Result1%%1

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 7:03 am
by tonystark622
Looks like you're setting the variables p$17$1 and p$17$2 to the literal values of the variable names because of the quotes around the variable names.

Should be:
p$17$1 = ETLEndTime
err$code = DSSetParam(h$17, "ETLEndTS", p$17$1)

p$17$2 = ETLStartTime
err$code = DSSetParam(h$17, "ETLStartTS", p$17$2)

Hope this helps,

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 9:32 am
by shiva459
Hi Tony
You are absolutely right !.Thats the only mistake i was doing.Now the job is working fine.
Thanks a lot for your help.



Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2003 3:45 pm
by tonystark622
No problem. Sometimes it's hard to see stuff like that in your own code. Glad I could help.
