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Parameter Marker

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 5:20 am
by shiva459
Hi All
When i run a job it gets aborted by flashing the below warnings.
Can anyone explain what does it mean.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


SJETL2CLM5..Transformer_1.DSLink4: DSD.BCIPut call to SQLExecute failed.
[DataStage][SQL Client]Parameter marker text size exceeds allocated space


Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 11:30 am
by Creo
Hi Shiva,

I don't know exactly what that error is but I think I have read somewhere in here (not long ago) that there is a maximum length for a paramater. What do your paramaters look like? Do you supply them by hand or from a file? If it's from a file, maybe the routine that supplies them to the job doesn't work as expected. Does it still fail if your try with different parameters? (I know these sound obvious but it's a start...)


Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2003 10:02 pm
by shiva459
Hi Creo
I don't use any parameters and it it pretty straight job with just one routine.The only thing is that it has got 27 columns.Is there any limitation on the number of columns?



Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 12:06 am
by shiva459
I would like to add some more infi with the above error

[DataStage][SQL Client]Parameter marker text size exceeds allocated space
SQLSTATE=22005, DBMS.CODE=-99999
[DataStage][SQL Client][ODBC][IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0112E Error in assignment. SQLSTATE=22005
[DataStage][SQL Client][ODBC][IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000] SQL0902C A system error (reason code = "13") occurred. Subsequent SQL statements cannot be processed. SQLSTATE=58005

Can anyone help to sort out this error.Any help will be greatly appreciated



Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 2:07 pm
by ariear

It seems that you're using an ODBC stage (Do you access DB2 ?). You're guess is probably right - the generated sql has to many columns or the generated sql phrase is too large (It's happens with Informix CLI stage for instance). If it's a full table select use the user-defined sql and do a 'select * from table' this can proove the limitetion else try a native stage instead of ODBC

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2003 5:33 pm
by ray.wurlod
If you have 27 columns then the generated SQL will contain 27 parameter markers.
Somewhere, somehow, in this set of markers the text provided to substitute for a parameter marker exceeds the size specified in the metadata. It would be good if the diagnostics could tell you which one but, alas, they don't.
Stage tracing may help here, particularly if the error occurs early in job processing (so that the log file isn't too large). You can inspect the actual values that were processed into and out of the active stage that is driving the ODBC or DB2 stage.

Ray Wurlod
Education and Consulting Services
ABN 57 092 448 518