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Read/Write MS Access Database from Unix

Posted: Fri May 23, 2003 10:01 am
by tonystark622
Does anyone know of a way to read to/write from a Microsoft Access database from DataStage running on Unix?

I appreciate your help.


Posted: Sun May 25, 2003 11:48 pm
by vmcburney
I believe that you need a 3rd party ODBC product to get to Access from Unix. A list of ODBC products is available at, they list about 100 ODBC products. An example is Automation Technology which provides ODBC drivers to MS Access from non Windows platforms.

You could also look at and or who have an ODBC to ODBC bridge that let's your Unix machine access ODBC drivers on a Windows machine.

Vincent McBurney
Data Integration Services

Posted: Mon May 26, 2003 9:08 pm
by tonystark622
Thanks, Vincent. I appreciate the info. This is exactly what I suspected. It's good to have it confirmed.

Thanks for your help,


Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2003 4:05 pm
by tonystark622
Hey Mark,

DataStage ships with ODBC drivers (for Unix) for many common DBMS systems. I believe that SQL Server is among them. They don't have an Access driver for Unix, however. [:(]

Assuming you meant DataStage project when you said UNIX server project. If you didn't mean DataStage, Merant (?) makes the UNIX ODBC drivers that come with DataStage. I'm sure they can hook you up for a small fee [:)]
