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Files with 0 bytes generated

Posted: Wed May 21, 2003 8:33 am
by gpbarsky

1) Generation of files with 0 bytes
I would like to know how to avoid the generation of files with 0 bytes. These files are generated due to the execution of a server job, and the resulting file (because of the conditions of the job) does not have any record within.

Does anybody know how to avoid the generation of these files ?

2) Parameters to access a SAP table
The parameters to access a SAP table are set in the properties box of the ABAP_Ext_for_R3 object. Does anybody know if these parameters could be variables ? I mean, if all of these parameters can be set to a name of a variable containing a certain value, set previously to the job, and sent to the job as a parameter.

3) Running instances of a job
When making several instances of a job, do I have to have any special consideration about it, besides the names of files ?

I'd appreciate any help on this, and thanks in advance [:)]

Posted: Wed May 21, 2003 10:29 am
by chulett
1) No. The mere act of opening the file for possible output creates it. General rule of thumb here is to check the file and delete it if it is zero bytes. This can be scripted in an after-job routine, exact solution depends on your platform.

2) No experience with SAP, but I haven't seen a place like that where you *couldn't* use a parameter. Try it!

3) I'm pretty sure the 'considerations' for Multiple Job Instances are pretty will spelled out in the Help on the subject. It's about what you'd expect when you have multiple copies of the same job running - file access, concurrency, parameterization, stuff like that. One thing to keep in mind is the running jobs will all write to the main job log, which can be confusing. Use the 'log' view for each invocation id to see just that job's log entries.
