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DS 4.2 to DB2 6.1 on OS/390

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 9:14 pm
by Neil C
I am running SQL using DS Server 4.2, Oracle Transparent Gateway, with a target system running DB2 v6.1 on OS/390. When joining several tables I have found many situations where DB2 is executing the SQL one table at a time, using a table space scan, and transferring ALL of the data back to the server for further processing, presumably by Oracle.

I can understand this where Oracle explicate key words such as TO_CHAR and SYSDATE are used, but the latest problem was with an ORDER BY clause. I would consider it much more efficient to get DB2 to do the sort, rather that forcing this to be done as a separate sort stage, or by Oracle. Is this mentioned anywhere in the DS manuals? I cannot find it. Is there any solution available?

Neil Courtney