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Automatic Project Exports

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2003 6:45 pm
by xcb
Hi All,

I am trying to automate our Datastage project exports using the dsexport utility. The process to do this seems to be mostly okay, however I am experiencing some difficulties that hopefully someone out there can shed some light on.

1. Has anyone figured out how to export selected Categorys/Jobs using dsexport? I have already read the archive about this but I am hoping that someone has figured a work around.
2. Is it possible to omit exporting the Job Executables?
3. During the automated export process I am receiving a Run time error, but when I run the export from Manager this error does not occur. Any ideas on this?
4. Is it possible to by-pass the warning that comes out at the end of the export that says certain read-only objects where not exported? I am jumping the gun here because I haven't yet completed a full export from the command line, but I expect that this message will come up.

System Specs
Datastage Server/Client 4.1
Windows NT Server 4.0

Thanks for your help


Ammendment to Question 3. I am receiving the Run time error from Manager as well.

The error is Run-time error '6': overflow.

This seems to occur when I include exporting the job executables. When I don't include the job executables the export works fine.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 1:24 am
by ray.wurlod
1. No.
2. No.
3. Not without more detailed information. How big is the export file?
What is in, and what is missed, when this occurs? Is it always at
the same point during the export process?
4. There's a command line option that includes the read-only objects.
If this is used, the warning does not appear.

Ray Wurlod
Education and Consulting Services
ABN 57 092 448 518

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 11:43 am
by ariear
There's a bug in Version 5.2r1 that crashes exports of projects above a certain size (If remember correctly - 75MB[V]
It was fixed in version 5.2.2[:)]

Check to see if this is the case with 4.1[?]

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2003 5:10 pm
by xcb
Thanks for your replies,

I ran a some test runs yesterday exporting two of our projects using both a command line export and a manager export. The following lists the error message, what job it was exporting and the size of the extract I received when running the export. Where AAAA and BBBB are separate jobs in the two projects.

Run 1
Command Line - Error
Datastage Export Utility
Run Time Error: '6':
Job: Exporting Executable job AAAA
Size: ~78 Mb

Run 2
Command Line - Error
Datastage Export Utility
Run-time error '6':
Job: Exporting Executable job AAAA
Size: ~78 Mb

Run 3
Datastage Manager - Error
Datastage Manager
Run-time error '6':
Job: Exporting Executable job AAAA
Size: ~78 Mb

Run 4
Command Line - Error
Datastage Export Utility
Run-time error '6':
Job: Exporting Executable job AAAA
Size: ~78 Mb

Run 1
Command Line - Error
Datastage Export Utility
Run-time error '6':
Job: Exporting programs for job BBBB
Size: ~60 Mb

Run 2
Command Line - Datastage Export Utility
Run-time error '6':
Job: Exporting programs for job BBBB
Size: ~60 Mb

I have exported these jobs individually including their executables and the export worked fine.



Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2003 9:00 pm
by Neil C
does version 4.2 also have the option to include read-only items? I have read the manual and can see no mention of it.


Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2003 3:35 pm
by Neil C
I found the answer in the archives. Thanks to whoever put the answer on someone elses thread. Works a treat.