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Reading partitioned tables from a db

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 8:22 am
by bigpoppa

I'm currently reading non-partitioned tables from a db and assigning surrogate keys to the incoming data within DS Server 6.0. I am wondering what's going to happen to the surrogate-key assignment jobs if these tables ever become partitioned within in the db. Anyone know?


Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2003 9:32 am
by mihai

I am assuming that the partitioning you are talking about is internal database partitioning, which is transparent and abstracted from the query method.

The stage adressing a particular table (be it via native methods or ODBC) will issue a SELECT statement. As long as the output of this statement looks the same, the transforms following the stage will not know any different, wo your jobs should not be affected.

Having said that, we're not up to DS 6.0 over here, so it may pay off to get a different oppinion.

Kind regards,

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