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Handling Primary Key conflict

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 1:08 am
by nilotpalr
I have 2 datastage jobs that insert in a single table. One job requires 4 columns as NOT NULL to get a unique record, while the other job needs only 2 columns of the same 4 column set to get an unique record. I cannot pass any default values in the 2nd job for the 2 columns for which I am not getting data. Can any one suggest a solution without altering the Database Not Null constraint settings.

Posted: Thu Oct 17, 2002 6:57 pm
by vmcburney
You second job will have to write a value to all four NOT NULL fields. For empty numeric fields try writing a 0, for text fields try a blank space. If you leave these two fields out of job 2 it will try to add the NULL value which will trigger a database error.