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Cleanup ghost processes

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 10:50 am
by DSGuru
Thanks All in advance.
I experience a problem with DataStage that is unable to clean up processes in its process table. The job was closed or got killed but the DS process table still has an entry of that process. Consequently, DS puts a lock on the job so developers can't open that job because DS understands it as being open by another developer, the job is locked until DS server is bounced to clean up all the locks. I'm using DS 5.2 on Tru64. If anybody knows how to clean up such ghost processes, please help.


Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 1:12 am
by ray.wurlod
Perhaps a new poster's ID is indicated! :)

There are three ways (at least) for cleaning up defunct processes. Even before we get to them, there's a DataStage process called dsdlockd (DataStage lock daemon) that periodically searches for deadlocks and defunct processes and cleans them up. Check whether this process is running. This process is called uvdlockd for DataStage releases earlier that 5.0.

If you are logged in as the administrator, there is another DataStage executable called uvlictool, one capability of which is cleaning up defunct processes.

From a telnet session to the project, within the DataStage Engine environment, you can run the DS.TOOLS menu, in which option 5 is "Administer processes and locks".

If you've enabled it in Administrator, the Director client may have a Cleanup Resources option under its Tools menu. This can be used to log out processes and/or release locks.

Finally, if worst comes to worst, you can (via telnet again, but this time in the UV account), use LIST.READU to view the locks, and the UNLOCK command to force their release. Use caution with this one!

Pretty much all of the above options require that you be logged in with Administrator privileges.

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 5:36 am
by msigal
Ray, could you please elaborate on:

From a telnet session to the project, within the DataStage Engine environment, you can run the DS.TOOLS menu, in which option 5 is "Administer processes and locks".

Our current method is your "if worst comes to worst" method.

Myles Sigal

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 7:44 am
by DSGuru
Thanks a lot for making fun of my ID. :) :)
There's a saying, 'If you think like one, you'll become one'.

Anyways, thanks for your suggestions, Ray.

The Cleanup Resources via Director tool does not clean up the defunct process but release active sessions. I tried this a while back.

The LIST.READU does not show ghost/defunct process. Clean Resources does show defunct processes.

Do you have document on uvlictool or uvdlockd? I just couldn't find it in my on-line doc.

Thanks again.


Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2002 8:58 pm
by ray.wurlod
I hope you weren't *too* offended - it was meant to be light hearted - hence the smiley with which I accompanied it.

Both uvlictool and uvdlockd are from the UniVerse world, so you need to look in UniVerse manuals. These are all to be found at ... iv_96.html

I can't remember the exact manual in which each is described; probably the Administrator's guide and/or there may be something in the system description or the administrative supplement for APIs. (Haven't checked them out for a while!)

You're right about the DataStage tools and not seeing defunct processes, but they can see locks not apparently held by any processes and you can identify these as the ones safe to release.

In terms of DS.TOOLS, this is a menu on the server side that allows you to perform many of the tasks in the Administrator and Director clients in a green-screen, menu-driven environment on the server machine. To get there if the server is Windows, simply telnet to the server and specify the project when asked for an account name. To get there if the server is UNIX, telnet to the machine, cd to the DataStage project directory, and invoke the command that starts the DataStage engine. At DS 5.x, this command is `cat /.dshome`/bin/uv while at earlier releases it is `cat /.uvhome`/bin/uv. Once you're in the environment (its prompt is ">"), the command is DS.TOOLS to start the menu. To exit from the environment, the command is any of QUIT, LO, LOGOUT or OFF.