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Problems with Data Stage 5.2

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2002 4:41 pm
by jseclen

I'm working with Data Stage 5.2 running under Sun Solaris and the scheduler is not working,

The Ascential Support recommend reinstall the software, but the result is the same,

When i schedule any job, and view the jobs using at -l in the prompt i can see its, but never run..

Somebody knows what is the problem??


Miguel Seclen
Lima - Peru

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2002 9:05 pm
by vmcburney
Use the search function on this forum on terms such as "schedule" and "error" to see some other postings on this topic. Other people have had problems scheduling jobs and it usually comes down to ensuring the jobs are being executed by the correct user with the correct rights.

In the Administrator check which user is being used to run your scheduled jobs.