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SQL Server Metadata mismatch error

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 3:51 pm
by amckinne
I am pulling data from a SQL server database via ODBC to a flat file. One of the columns is a date column with a format of MM/DD/YYYY. It is defined by Datastage as a timestamp (Imported into Manager), but I receive the following message when I try to view data:

DSBrowser..AssetInfo.AssetInfoIn: DSD.BCIOpenR results of SQLColAttributes(AssetInfo.tDueDate) gave MetaData mismatch
COLUMN.TYPE Expected = Unknown Actual = Unknown

I can "see" the other data, but a 0 or nothing at all is in the date column.
I've tried changing the datatype to various things, but I cannot get the data in without the same error message.

Can anyone help me out? Any ideas would be appreciated!

Environment: Unix, Datastage 5.01


Environment: Unix, Datastage 5.01

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2002 12:39 pm
by amckinne
If anyone runs into this problem--the solution was easy. All I did was define my own SQL Query and used the convert date function in Sybase.

ex. convert( char(8),Asset.tUpdateTime, 112)


Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2002 10:27 am
by ernestg
Had the same problem, importing metadata through ODBC from Oracle. I downloaded the latest ODBC driver. Installed it and the problem was history.