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cut a period of time in several times

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2002 11:17 am
by monoludo

I have this problem :
I have in a table in a database. This table has two columns : a first date ( a beginning date of a period. example 01 Jan 1999) and a last date ( an end date of a period . example 31 March 1999).
And I would in a other base this:
3 rows
01 Jan 1999 31 Jan 1999
01 Feb 1999 28 Feb 1999
01 March 1999 31 March 1999

And I don't know how to make this with datastage.
Can someone help me

P.S. : My database is Oracle 8i

Posted: Mon May 13, 2002 10:07 am
by srinivasb

If you are talking about concatenating two dates then use DSlinknn:DSlinkmm i.e the two columns which are the dates in your words start_date :end_date

This will however not allow you any more functionality as the result will be a string.. i.e varchar.


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