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Migration of Datastage Server 8.1 to Datastage Server 8.5

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:24 am
by saratha14
Hello Everyone,

We are planning for a migration of Server jobs from Datastage Server 8.1 to Datastage Server 8.5 Server. I was collecting data points related to this migration. I've searched through forums and touchbased with IBM on the migration.

Meanwhile, I would like to get few inputs,suggestions and best practices from the DSxchange community.

Please let me know the major challenges/architectural differences/points to be noted/best practices available.

Thanks in advance.

Saranraj Santhanam.

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:18 am
by chulett
Is there any particular reason you aren't upgrading to something more... recent?

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:26 am
by saratha14
Yes Chulett.

IBM Datastage Version was installed along with Oracle EPM Peoplesoft 9.1 and it does not support versions higher than 8.5 at the moment. As the Version 8.1 EOS by April month end, We are trying to finish the upgrade before April.

Issue Resolved

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:24 am
by saratha14
Hello Everyone,

The installation of 8.5 server edition (Fix Pack 3) completed. We were able to migrate the 8.1 components and the jobs are running successfully without any issues. Hashed files and other stages are working fine. I could say, you can just import the dsx files from 8.1 into 8.5 and it just work fine.

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:32 am
by chulett
As it should be. :wink: