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SORT produces a INFO message but no rows passed through

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:53 am
by AGStafford
I have Server Shared Container that perform a sort in it.
The Sort is producing a "INFO" message for every row processed that provides no information:
330876905 INFO Fri Jul 11 03:07:12 2014
jLandMF025_POD_ALL_200_TNCB101A_1File.DID_LandMF025_2_POD__fzb_TNCB101_2.scServerROWCOUNTGeneric.Sort_By_GROUP_KEYS: %s

And no rows are getting past the sort :
Stage: scServerROWCOUNTGeneric.Sort_By_GROUP_KEYS, 368222 rows input
Stage start time=2014-07-11 02:38:28, end time=2014-07-11 03:10:24, elapsed=00:31:56
Link: Write_To_SORT, 368222 rows
Link: Write_To_AGGREGATOR, 0 rows

The data being sorted is from a flat file which looks like:

Anyone have any idea why I am getting so many INFO messages, rather than WARNING messages and still have absolutely no rows getting through the sort.

The job does run during the busiest part of the schedule when we are maxing out the CPU. I cannot tell about memory.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 9:29 am
by chulett
A couple of questions. Is this a Server Shared Container in a Parallel job? And is this behavior repeatable, meaning does it always produce no output from the aggregator.

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:01 am
by AGStafford
The shared container is run in a Server job

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 10:04 am
by AGStafford
It ran this way for 10 months (5 days/week) so it was repeating.
However when I manually ran the job this morning it did not have the same problem.
I am going to see if the problem reappears in the production run tonight.

I did not make any changes to the job.
I did clear out the log (it was 1.1GB) before I reran it manually.