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DB/2 connector warning with unicode

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:19 am
by tbrosi
I'm using the DB/2 connector to read varchar columns from a database table.
NLS is set to UTF8.

I get a warning with the message id IIS-CONN-DAAPI-000395.
The message says that the connector doesn't support data transmission in unicode format.

Is there any possibility to get rid of this warning?

I've implemented the same functionality in a parallel job and there I don't get this warning.

Re: DB/2 connector warning with unicode

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:14 am
by MT
Hi tbrosi

first of all there is no such thing as "DB/2" it is a full database so it is DB2 :-)

I have Server Jobs working without problems in DataStage 8.5 (both with UTF-8 Job NLS setting and without).

Which DataStage version do you use?
What is the database codepage - UTF-8?

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 10:32 am
by tbrosi
Hi Michael,
I use DataStage 8.7.
The codepage of the database is UTF-8.

The warning only occurs in server jobs. In parallel jobs it works without any warning.

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:22 am
by MT
Hi tbrosi

I do not have a DataStage 8.7 at hand ...

What could be interstiong though is if you expect unicode characters or not. Or in other word does the problem occur as well when you select the let us say tabname from syscat.tables?

Have you tried using the UNICODE extended attribute in the column definitions?

best regards

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:59 am
by tbrosi
Hi Michael,

I don't expect any unicode character in the actual case. But that can happen in the future.
The warning occurs when you select any varchar column, also with system tables like syscat.tables.

I tried using the UNICODE extended attribute but it didn't help.

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:07 am
by MT
Hi tbrosi

finally I remember this problem - sorry we had it in 2011 so I forgot about it but when I read you last message I finially remembered it.
We had the same problem in DS 8.5 and a PMR was opened and we got a special build for this.

Please check for APAR JR39943
You might open a PMR in order to get the fix for DataStage 8.7 but at least the problem is known and fixed in DS 8.5.

best regards

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:16 am
by tbrosi
Hi Michael,

thank you for your help.
I will check it.

Nevertheless it's curious that a known bug from version 8.5 still exists in 8.7.

Best regards