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Phantom Error 28984

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:26 am
by amar.v023
Hi All,

receivng below error when running from ABAP stage --> Tans -->FTP(stage).
DataStage Job 1 Phantom 28984
Program "JOB.141697444.DT.1531745292.TRANS1": Line 134, Exponentiation overflow, zero returned.
Program "JOB.141697444.DT.1531745292.TRANS1": Line 135, Exponentiation overflow, zero returned.

Please give some idea on this.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:37 am
by chulett
Under your projects directory, you'll find a directory named RT_BP1 inside of which you'll find a file of the name listed in your error. Look at the code around lines 134/135 to see what is causing the issue.