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DSP.OpenGCI $ error -100

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 10:05 pm
by synsog

Im using DB2 connector as look up to transformer and using SQL inside the connector for look up. when i run the job, the get the error "DSP.OpenGCI $ error -100" and a warning "schema reconciliation failed : the column names defined on the link donot match with that of the external resource". i checked all the columns and all look fine. as i have seen in one of the posts, i deleted and recreated the stage and link but still same error.

Please help.

Re: DSP.OpenGCI $ error -100

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:14 am
by kvshrao
DSP Open Errors commonly occurs due to below listed one's

1. Metadata Mismatch such no of columns mismatch
2. Wrong Credentials

But as per your post, It is Type 1 of above listed


Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:29 am
by ArndW
It really is a mismatch, if you cut-and-paste your SQL to your favorite tool and try to run it, you might see the problem.

typically, if your SQL contains "CAST(MyColumn as VarChar(32))" then you will get this kind of error, you would need to write "CAST(MyColumn as VarChar(32)) as MyColumn"