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Oracle Connector stage does not recognize the SQL statement

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:16 am
by mctny
Hi Everybody,

Did anyone come accross that the Oracle connector stage is not recognizing the custom SQL when used in server job.

I just created a simple job that reads from oracle through oracle connector and write to a sequential file. The interesting part is that I can view the data.

Here is exactly what I am getting;

Exception thrown from CC_OraStatement::prepare, file CC_OraStatement.cpp, line 465: The OCI function OraOCIStmtPrepare returned status -1. Error code: 24,373, Error message: ORA-24373: invalid length specified for statement.
IIS-CONN-ORA-001022`:`The following SQL statement failed: .

Looks like it can not detect the SQL I have, which is as below

Select DATE_ID from date_dim

Thanks in advance,

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 10:54 am
by mctny
Never mind , We found the issue, For those who are curious, it was the oracle connector stage which we think was somehow corrupted, We replaced it with a new one and it worked.
