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Hash File issue

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:03 am
by snehal15101982
DSD.UVOpen An operating system file already exists with the name "D_HASH_ABC".File name = File not created..|
We have hash files which dont have corresponding data files.These data files have been accidentally deleted.Now there are only traces of them present which are D_HASH_ABC .When we ruun a job which references these has files whose data file has been deleted.We get the above error.
Now we manually delete the existing D_HAS_ABC from Unix box and also delete the VOC entry for D_HASH_ABC.Then we rerun the job
But is this the valis way of doing it?
There are around >4000 jobs which have this problem.So do we have any generic command to get rid of this error message?

Note:Create Has file with delete before creating is enabled.
Hash file stage written before it is used for lookup

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:56 am
by ray.wurlod
There is no generic "magic wand". The only available solution is to complete the deletion of the hashed files that were partially deleted. And you need to prevent future "accidental" deletions (probably by educating somebody).

If they have a VOC entry, use DELETE.FILE DICT hashedfilename

If they are pathed (have no VOC entry) use rm D_hashedfilename in the appropriate (parent) directory.