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Last record in a hash file

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:49 am
by gpbarsky
Hi forumers.....

I need to acces the last record of a hashed file. Is there any formula I can apply ?

Besides, is there any way to count the quantity of records of a hashed file ?

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:15 am
by chulett
Well, first off there's no such thing as the "last record" in a hashed file, any more than there is one in any other database table. Why do you ask? What are you trying to accomplish?

As to the count, for an account-based hashed file (i.e. one with a VOC record) you can use SQL to count anything needing counting. For pathed hashed files I don't remember the other syntax off the top of my head and don't have access to my notes right now. Perhaps someone else can chime in on that.

I think you just say "COUNT <filename>" but have no way to test it.