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DSGetJobInfo (DSJ.ME,DSJ.JOBELAPSED) returns 0

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:01 pm
by knowledge
Hi ,

When I am using DSGetJobInfo(DSJ.ME, DSJ.JOBELAPSED) in transformer in the job ...It is giving 0 AS result ..

I tried to search , it says its bug and can be fixed with patch fp1 ..We have installed that patch ...still i am getting 0 as return value ...

Anybody has any clue ..


Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:49 pm
by chulett
I would imagine it is because the job is still running, what happens if you call it in a routine after job? Also, what do you need this information for?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:44 am
by knowledge
Hi ,

I used it in transformer which loads target table ...I want to capture run statistics of job , i am using datastage macro functions to calculate start time, end time , elapsed time..But i am getting elapsed time zero ...

How can I use it in after routine and update the STAT table .

Please suggest ..

I woud like to calculate job performance statistics too no of rows /sec for particular link ..


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:13 am
by chulett
Best to create a generic job that captures stats from any job and updates your STAT target. Also look into downloading ETLStats from Kim Duke's website.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:36 am
by knowledge
Hi Craig,

I have built shared container which runs in every job and collects stats for each job ...

I looked into KIMs ETLSTAts jobs , but it looks very complex , I do not have much time to implement ETLSTATs as need to provide STATS result soon ..

What is the methos to calculate in after job routines , Do I have to use basic function , create a file and update the STATS table with this file ..

Please suggest..

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:45 am
by chulett
Yes, that could work - a BASIC routine in all jobs to append the information to a flat file and then a one-time load of that to STAT post cycle.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:54 am
by knowledge
Thanks ,

I will try ...

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 11:01 am
by chulett
Not much help without a Premium account but Ray posted a complete OpenSequentialFile routine back in the day to illustrate all of the ins and outs of dealing with files in a routine.