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Performance statistics not visible in container

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 5:12 pm
by RodBarnes
I'd not noticed this loss of functionality before. Under 7.5, if you created a container in the job (not a shared container, a local one) you could view the performance statistics in that container. Under 8.5, that functionality is gone? I can see it in the main page but on on any of the tabs where the containers are located.

That really is a loss as I use this a great deal and I have a lot of jobs where I have modularized the logic by putting it into containers.

Maybe someone has found a way to re-enable this?

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 2:34 am
by roy
Are you talking about viewing the statistics on the links in the designer?
you should be able to see the performance via the monitor in the director.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:26 am
by RodBarnes
Yes, I was referring to Designer. I know it still works in Director -- which is good -- but it is unfortunate this got broken in Designer. Looking at the statistics in Director requires mentally translating the names of stages listed there to the physical stages in Designer in addition to having to look in a different place than where you do the work.