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Job appears in DS_JOBS but not in clients

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:13 am
by RodBarnes
I had something odd happen where I created a new job, compiled it, ran it -- and it just hung. Wouldn't go forward; just sat there. So I killed the job in Director which resulted in an aborted state. I then killed the process at the OS. I compiled and ran the job again -- same result.

Feeling this was very strange, I tried to delete the job (to start over) but that failed. A message popped up telling me that the job was locked by another process. But it was not open in any client. (I was the only one on the system.) I tried several things and, feeling things were really confused, I finally rebooted the system to get a fresh start.

Following the reboot, the job no longer appears in any client but it still exists in DS_JOBS. I've ran DS.REINDEX ALL, DS.TOOLS #4, nothing seems to make any difference: the job is still there in DS_JOBS but does not appear in any client.

I could use some ideas of what else to try. Thanks.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 2:49 pm
by ray.wurlod
There is more than one process, if your job includes Transformer stages. You may have killed the job process but left the Transformer stage processes (DSD.StageRun) as zombies, still locking the job.

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:05 pm
by RodBarnes
All uvsh.exe process were gone. And the problem still existed after the reboot.

I just exported and reimported the entire project to see if that makes a difference -- and found something very interesting: The offending job was imported along with everything else but was imported into a different folder than where I had originally created it -- before it went "missing" from the clients. (It's likely it was never missing but only had been moved to a place I did not expect. However, it still doesn't explain why I could not delete it.)

From that location, I was able to successfully delete the job and it is now gone from the clients but also from DS_JOBS, too.

'Guess I'll just chalk this up to gremlins.