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Hash Files

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:02 pm
by rsunny
Hi ,

I have a requirement where i need to delete all the hash files in that current directory where we usually store all the hash files in a particular directory after all the jobs are executed.So is there any way that i can use a routine or a command to delete the hash files.I used

del *.* and then the directory path given in Execute command stage , it didnt work.

Any valuable suggestions is really appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:07 pm
by ray.wurlod
You don't have any hash files.

As I have noted myriad times in the past, the correct term is hashed file.

There are at least four ways to delete hashed files, but only one of them is correct, and will depend upon how the hashed file was created.

I'm sure that there's a post somewhere on DSXchange that outlines them all.

Assuming that you have dynamic hashed files (the default), a simple DEL will not delete them because they have a structure made up of a directory (folder) containing three files. Research the options (switches) on DEL or RMDIR that you might need to use to delete such a structure.

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