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XML parser error

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 9:32 am
by svga
Hi, I'm getting XML parser error when I'm trying to read the XML file. It looks like there is a problem with the question mark (?) in the below attachment data. If I remove it, the job run successfully. Can someone please help identify the root cause of the issue?

Data in issue : by chiropractor, last visit 8/10 (9/10?).

<AttachmentType tc="12">Underwriting Note</AttachmentType>
<Attachment id="Attachment_18">
<AttachmentData><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Comment>Exam reviewed. General PE 2008, no tx. 2003 tx for dizziness for about 1 yr due to MVA. Seen by chiropractor, last visit 8/10 (9/10?). FH negative, father is age 73, mother is age 72. Build 5.11.215, BP 124/73.

No debits for exam. Build is std plus but may be able to apply stretch criteria for preferred rates pending review of lab.
<UserNameEntered>June Close</UserNameEntered>