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How restart the job, where it left off

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 3:03 pm
by svhari76

I am new to datastage, so please bare with me for any dumb questions.

I have a server job running and it is taking almost 8-10 hrs and for some reasons we had to stop the job at 7Am in the morning and once the other tasks are completed, i wanted to restart the job where it left off.

1) Is it possible start the the where it was stopped?
2) Does the job picks up the record where it last stopped or it starts processing from beginning again?
3) For any reason if the job fails(not manually stopped as said above) in the middle of the night, can i still be able restart the job from where it failed afetr fixing the problem (may be db,network etc issues)?
4)few line sin the source file becomes a record in db table, is there a way i can sort these kind of records in unix/DS ?

Code: Select all

1st line - ABCDEFGH....abcd
2nd line- 12323423434
3rd line- 5675677dgdfgg

record 2:
1st line - ABCD 124sdfsdff
2nd line - 34345345345

Record 3:
1st line - ABCD 124567567
Only first 4 charcter of each record is same and that indicates the end of previous record and start of new record. In this scenario is there a way i can sort the records?

ANy help would be great !!

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:01 pm
by ray.wurlod
(1) Only by designing that functionality into your job.
(2) From the beginning, unless designed otherwise.
(3) See (1).
(4) It seems you need some kind of "vertical pivot" in this case. Yes it can be done. Search DSXchange for examples.