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Configuraion for CDC for Datastage

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 5:23 am
by grasshopper
Hello All,

I am recently trying to use CDC for Datastage to stitch these two application but I am stuck and cant go further anymore. I am able to create the subscription between the Source AS400 table and Datastage where I have installed the CDC for Datastate. If I use flat file option I can also dump data from AS400 table to flat file w/o any issues. I need to configure table to table mapping. When I use direct connection option, it maps the table with error but as per the message it shows tables have been mapped.
Error while mapping table: --
Updating the tables available for replication...
Loading users...
Loading source tables...
Adding tables to the subscription...
Notifying target of changes to the subscription...
Reloading table mappings...
Mapping source table
[ERROR] An error has occurred while setting the replication method for TableName [RA MSG 2022 Error occurred during journal validation and processing. Please see previous messages for detail]. For more information, see error messages in the Event Log view.
Table mappings complete.

When I right click on the subscription to add datastage properties, that time i dont see the Direct Connect section on that page to enter the datastage project name and connection key. I can move any further from this. If export/import job def in Datastage, the imported object comes as unknown object.

Any help is appreciated. thank you in advance...

Thank you and Regards,

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:07 am
by chulett
This is an exact duplicate of your previous post on the subject:


I'm locking this one as it's in the wrong forum, anyone who can help please respond in the original thread noted above.